Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: oldschoolace on April 04, 2012, 07:57 PM
Having bought myself this for Christmas i soon find myself missing a front brake :(
I really wanted the forks to match the frame but in their wisdom WTP only did a brakeless fork for this model.
As some of you will recall i mused the idea of mounting removable brake mounts on two seat clamps so i could run a U brake and not have to drill the forks for a weak traditional caliper.
The tapered forks measure 32mm around the area where a brake would sit and after hours of fruitless searching for seat clamps chunky enough to drill and tap for the brake mounts i decided it would be better to make my own :D
Spent a pleasant afternoon in work not actually working but pissing around with some recycled plastic samples i got sent for a job a while back ;)
This is the prototype (sorry for the bobbins pics)
and mounted in place on the fork with the brake offered up for fit
Pretty pleased how it came out. There is plenty of clearance for the tyre and even the plastic prototype gripped well when tightened up :D
Ordering some T6 aluminium tonight and hoping to get them done next week, stay tuned ;D
:daumenhoch: can't beat a head scratching project :4_17_5: can't wait to see the finished job :daumenhoch:
cracking idea, but begs a question, obviously the plastic is bendy and opened up around the fork to do the single point up at the back, how is this going to translate to metal?
The only way i can see this working is if the clamp is two peices [kinda like the DC clamps] with the mount on one piece with countersunk holes on either side of the mount for the bolt heads to sit in and tapped holes on the other piece on either side
cant see it lasting long in plastic or ally ! brake lugs are hardcore for a reason! braze ons ?
Great idea :) But there's a couple of things - ally won't last too long if you're gonna ride hard, and more importantly you need a bridge that connects the two lug clamps over the wheel otherwise they'll move away from the wheel after a few brakes I reckon.
cracking idea, but begs a question, obviously the plastic is bendy and opened up around the fork to do the single point up at the back, how is this going to translate to metal?
The only way i can see this working is if the clamp is two peices [kinda like the DC clamps] with the mount on one piece with countersunk holes on either side of the mount for the bolt heads to sit in and tapped holes on the other piece on either side
;D just been having the same discussion with my brother. Yeah if i was looking to make these to sell then that would deffo be the way to go. As it is, with the bolt removed the slot in the back of the clamp slides over the fork dropouts lovely. Didnt have to pry the plastic at all :daumenhoch:
I concede that over time the aluminium clamp may develop stress fractures but i dont intend to use the front brake all the time, just for the odd endo and stuff. The final design will be a few mili thicker in the thin spots now i know there is definately enough room for it :daumenhoch:
Great idea :) But there's a couple of things - ally won't last too long if you're gonna ride hard, and more importantly you need a bridge that connects the two lug clamps over the wheel otherwise they'll move away from the wheel after a few brakes I reckon.
Valid point about the bridge. I did think of that but i dont want the hole thing to be too bulky. It may well need it anyway but its work in progress at the moment so will get it done and road test it :daumenhoch:
or drill the forks and use a plate ???
Very nearly went down the road of drilling and u brake plate but couldnt bring myself to drill a hole in my lovely new forks :smitten:
couldnt bring myself to drill a hole in my lovely new forks :smitten:
Fitting your clamps to fork legs will probably damage the paint (at the very least) anyway so I'd be thinking about.
A - getting another fork which is already drilled and colour matching them to the frame.
B - buying a cheap bike with front and rear brakes to thrash around and leaving your lovely bike well alone.
C - talking to Kappy about a front disc conversion. :LolLolLolLol:
D - what pickle said....
Well im doing it anyway :yahoo_silent: :2funny:
If you're going to go to all that trouble the least you ;)could do is pull your bars back a bit
If you're going to go to all that trouble the least you ;)could do is pull your bars back a bit
I love the idea of doing this (and yes there are easier ways as said, getting drilled forks etc), but it smacks of a good bit of mid-school make do and mend, if not invent :) So I'm in :daumenhoch:
If I was you I'd stop the messing around and weld some lugs on, then colour match the paint! Sorted! :daumenhoch:
I have some affix forks with lugs? :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
You have no frame of reference. You are out of your element. :2funny:
I was joking, by the way :daumenhoch:
I was joking, by the way :daumenhoch:
;) yeah me too with the dude reference :daumenhoch: ;D
dunno what diameter your forks are.... :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:
V brakes... :shocked: how very dare you sir!!! :LolLolLolLol:
Cheers for that bud :daumenhoch: My forks are 32mm though :(
Could pad it out with a rubber gasket, which would also protect the paint on the forks but i cant run V brakes... Hate the things :2funny:
Would you be able to make me a set of brake mounts like that? Need some for my frame as it only has chainstay mounts :-\ of course, I'll pay :daumenhoch:
V brakes... :shocked: how very dare you sir!!! :LolLolLolLol:
mount them higher up the leg for AD brakes.... :daumenhoch:
In all seriousness i did think about that as there is only 0.1mm difference in the mount diameter if memory serves. I think i concluded, wrongly or rightly, that as the v mounts sit 4mm or so closer to the rim it may make installing a u brake a touch tight :-\
Just buy some new forks and get Dan to colour match the frame :daumenhoch:
Just buy some new forks and get Dan to colour match the frame :daumenhoch:
I see your point :daumenhoch: but where's the fun in that :LolLolLolLol:
Anyway, fookin about with this gives me an almost valid excuse for not getting on with work :LolLolLolLol:
The 'fun' as you say will probably end in 2 ways, 1 you make your very nice looking WTP bike look shyte.......and 2 you pull the brake to do an endo, the whole lot fails ending in you hurting yourself and your nice blue forks completely fooked.
Thanks for all the comments guys. :daumenhoch: I share you concerns, hence the thread, but if i dont try we will never know :D ;D
Fooking well pleased with myself today. :4_17_5:
I cut the large hole with a woodworking spade bit :shocked:
Took a good 15 minutes for each hole but was bob on when done :smitten:
You can't beat a bit of home brew engineering.
Daft question, are you going to do anything to stop them from spinning round under braking after a while?
Well apart from making sure they are nice & tight. What about attaching some kind of horse shoe shaped plate at the rear of the forks attaching them together? Obviously it's your modification and your bike, just an idea to throw into the pot.
Might be a dumb question but how will they fit on the forks? ???
Might be a dumb question but how will they fit on the forks? ???
Work in progress at the moment. I will cut a slot to form the clamp which will slide over the dropouts (outer left and right sides as you look at it) and the hole you can see inside the large hole will be widened and tapped to accept a screw in 990 post.
dp dude, i may well have to add a brace at some point but at the moment im hoping a collar made from a racer inner tube will give me both extra grip and also protect the paintwork to a degree :daumenhoch:
i saw something like this for sale from a legit company but i pasted the link n forgot about it.. seems it works with good strong alloy ! :daumenhoch:
Nice one. This is T6 ali so im hoping it will do the job :daumenhoch:
they were square with the corner chopped off and were 2 piece that bolted together like a big old skool dc double clamp sorta !
I reckon these would help
followed by a trip to
job done :daumenhoch:
im hoping a collar made from a racer inner tube will give me both extra grip and also protect the paintwork to a degree :daumenhoch:
990s are pretty powerfull brakes. Powerful enough to snap off welded on lugs, and to flex frames out when you pull them. I'd be pretty sure the bolt on mounts will slide round eventually. As said before; best solution is a front fitting brace bar (like a horse shoe). That should solve it. :daumenhoch:
I've just spotted theseon another thread. What about something like that? :
I forgot all about them! They should help if the mounts ever moved. Less work than knocking up a brace & it keeps things looking cleaner (possibly)
All done :daumenhoch: Just need to screw the 990 mounts in and give em a whirl.
Went for a brushed finish rather than polished as i think it will suit the bike better :)
I've just spotted theseon another thread. What about something like that? :
I forgot all about them! They should help if the mounts ever moved. Less work than knocking up a brace & it keeps things looking cleaner (possibly)
is that what them bloody things are for , i forgot. i keep finding them in my parts bucket !! gonna use some ! lol
here are some i found dude !!
Look good, hope they work ok, now sink them allen bolt heads you lazy bu66er!!
Look good, hope they work ok, now sink them allen bolt heads you lazy bu66er!!
:2funny: Strangely enough not long after i posted them last pics i though, bollocks i forgot to sink those bolt heads!
10 mins on the pillar drill and all is sorted now :daumenhoch:
Tried them on sunday with a little collar of old inner tube as a gasket. Perfect fit! Going to try a full brake rig on them this weekend or for blackpool if i get chance.