BMX General => BMX Chat => Topic started by: Discostu on March 13, 2012, 08:08 AM
What the fook is going on?
Why can't I see the box with unread topics. Or replies to your posts? I hope you haven't changed those! They are bloody usefull!!! :yahoo_silent: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :2gunsfiring_v1: :2gunsfiring_v1: :uglystupid2: :'( :-[ :-\ :'( :knuppel2: :knuppel2:
Calm down Stu! :shocked: ::) got them on mine
Not working for me :(. What the hell is going on?
can you see your messages okay? you may have clicked the little arrow which hides them? ???
No I can't see my messages. Now looking for the arrow. :daumenhoch:
Found it!! All is good. Deep breath out and relax!!
Cheers mate. ;D :daumenhoch:
:daumenhoch: :LolLolLolLol: done it myself
So easy to accidentally touch an option when using an iPhone. Bloody fat fingers you see! :LolLolLolLol:
So easy to accidentally touch an option when using an iPhone. Bloody fat fingers you see! :LolLolLolLol:
same here, I'm always pressing the 'report to mods' button... :tickedoff:
::) someone put sand in your vaseline again Stu?
Yes mate. I was having a little mini fit this morning!! :LolLolLolLol:
Sorry for being a useless Cnut! :LolLolLolLol:
On Japanese Bmx forums it's polite to cut off a finger.
Which finger do I have to cut off?
I hope it's not the one I itch my sweaty arse with! Or im fooked. :'(
Do the honorable thing Stu :knuppel2:
you can choose, left or right little finger ;)
What!! Using a butter knife!!! :'(
A hammer will take longer to get if fully off and won't be so neat - now man up :knuppel2:
God Stu, you are so fookin thick.
Coming from the biggest retard on this site!!
At least I don't have to get someone else to build my bikes for me!!
I think in the useless Cnut department you win hands down. I'm willing to do a voting thread on it if you want!! :daumenhoch:
Coming from the biggest retard on this site!!
At least I don't have to get someone else to build my bikes for me!!
I think in the useless Cnut department you win hands down. I'm willing to do a voting thread on it if you want!! :daumenhoch:
:LolLolLolLol:, I love your ever so polite responses Stu.
Now get back to work you lazy twat.
On the LONDON FOOLS RIDE there will be a special Retard section - both of you riders will have rope attached between the bikes from stopping you getting lost or leaving the line in anyway - Pooch will be at the front ;)
and no i will not be in the retarded line ;)
On the LONDON FOOLS RIDE there will be a special Retard section - both of you riders will have rope attached between the bikes from stopping you getting lost or leaving the line in anyway - Pooch will be at the front ;)
and no i will not be in the retarded line ;)
Bendy!! Tell ya wife I'll go with the name of Jane for the baby ;)
On the LONDON FOOLS RIDE there will be a special Retard section - both of you riders will have rope attached between the bikes from stopping you getting lost or leaving the line in anyway - Pooch will be at the front ;)
and no i will not be in the retarded line ;)
Bendy!! Tell ya wife I'll go with the name of Jane for the baby ;)
and tell your wife, Bobo the tramp say's hi and thanks for the ride ;)
I will get Steve to knock up some thing like this so Adam & Pooch and Stu can all ride safe :daumenhoch:
andy wtf is that?
looks like the chap in the hi-viz jacket is using some kind of paedo-snare
'come on kids, let's go and see the cute puppies...'
It what they use to walk kids around outside of school
it's like a caterpillar and so each kid is a leg - fun for them and stops the teachers getting in the shit for a kid running in the road and getting squished :daumenhoch:
i think steve will be able to make one up to link the bikes to so adam doesn't go wondering off ::)
i think steve will be able to make one up to link the bikes to so adam doesn't go wondering off ::)
that's no good
I've seen him ride after 2 pints and he'll just end up dragging everyone to the floor with him
maybe if he used one of these and just pedalled?
That is fookin orible Ash, can't believe your into that stuff. :shocked:
Ash! :police:
That is fookin orible Ash, can't believe your into that stuff. :shocked:
All gone just for you :buck2: very dodgy film though pal..
not on my 'one to watch' list