Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: stfc on January 05, 2012, 07:26 PM
I have Just Purchased this from Simon (why isnt this working)... its an 83 Asco Pro Turbo , Dutch made and that is about all I know, Not a great deal came up on any search engine apart from the odd few photos on bmxmuseum ..Can anyone give me a little insight into what Asco where all about , I know they didnt make forks but made race plates and chainrings, bars etc ... This will be left 100% as it is , decals etc will stay as they are and survivor parts will be added ...
They were from Netherlands. With Batavus, they were parts of the beginning of the BMX. Asco BMX Products manufactured or asked other manufactures to make parts for them : frames, forks, handlebars, seatposts, seats, brakes, number plates, brake protectors, power disc, chainrings, etc... One of the top racers bitd was Leon Walravens, he rodes Superclass in the early-mid 80'. He still rides in veteran for Redline.
You've a nice frame and parts. I've a Asco Proline, the same frame, fork, bar rode by Walravens in 1984-1986 (you can see it on BMX Museum). I know that Mike Miranda, who was a few times in Netherlands tried a Asco in 1986. There is a photo with him on this bike.
Thanks for the reply ..Anyone have any Asco parts kicking about that they want Rid of ? ...
Thanks for the reply ..Anyone have any Asco parts kicking about that they want Rid of ? ...
You could try pm ing JT racing on here ;)
he had quite a few ASCO bits at one time ;)
Thanks for the reply ..Anyone have any Asco parts kicking about that they want Rid of ? ...
There's a 43T Asco chainring in my last 'for sale' thread ;)
Sorted For a chain ring thank You, other parts I would consider if anyone has some, I have put a few survivor bits together so should be signs of progress soon ...
I also encounterd lots of Asco Pro Turbo frames/survivors with Tange ARX forks on them. Looks better on the frame then that Akisu :daumenhoch:
Was going to start a new thread but just found this old one, so thought I'd resurrect it to keep all the ASCO stuff together! :daumenhoch:
So I received a delivery of ASCO parts from the Netherlands this week:-
(http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m572/Trident393/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20006.jpg) (http://s1132.photobucket.com/user/Trident393/media/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20006.jpg.html)
(http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m572/Trident393/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20003.jpg) (http://s1132.photobucket.com/user/Trident393/media/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20003.jpg.html)
There's a NOS 43T chainring, powerdisc, chainring bolts and a set of "Pro" brake calipers. Does anyone have an idea when any of these came out? I'm particularly trying to find out more about the brakes, which I haven't removed from the og packaging yet but can't see a date code stamped anywhere. Will post some better pics later. Cheers!
I had an Asco "Haro Freestyler" brakeguard at one point .. That's all I know about them :-\
Here are some more pics of the brakes:-
(http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m572/Trident393/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20007.jpg) (http://s1132.photobucket.com/user/Trident393/media/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20007.jpg.html)
(http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m572/Trident393/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20008.jpg) (http://s1132.photobucket.com/user/Trident393/media/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20008.jpg.html)
(http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m572/Trident393/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20010.jpg) (http://s1132.photobucket.com/user/Trident393/media/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20010.jpg.html)
I had an Asco "Haro Freestyler" brakeguard at one point .. That's all I know about them :-\
Anything like this one (not mine, I hasten to add):-
(http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m572/Trident393/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20brake%20guard%201.jpg) (http://s1132.photobucket.com/user/Trident393/media/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20brake%20guard%201.jpg.html)
While looking for the above, I also found these:-
(http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m572/Trident393/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20padset.jpg) (http://s1132.photobucket.com/user/Trident393/media/BMX%20Stuff/ASCO%20padset.jpg.html)
Do you have the bars also Mikku
I do have a set ....only used...
btw the asco frame and forks in the start of this tread is bought from me in the past...
I have an Asco Proline that I will be building next year and could really do with an Asco padset if anyone has one for sale please.
Do you have the bars also Mikku
I do have a set ....only used...
btw the asco frame and forks in the start of this tread is bought from me in the past...
PM coming your way Patric! :daumenhoch:
Got a used survivor silver Asco SEATCLAMP if your interested it's similar to a Hutch Donut clamp.
I had an Asco "Haro Freestyler" brakeguard at one point .. That's all I know about them :-\
Yep that's in my loft now mate 8)
This arrived from Blighty this week, courtesy of Ian above:-
(http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m572/Trident393/BMX%20Stuff/Dec%20BMX%20011.jpg) (http://s1132.photobucket.com/user/Trident393/media/BMX%20Stuff/Dec%20BMX%20011.jpg.html)
Thanks mate! :daumenhoch:
I like the Asco stuff too, really like the pad set. :coolsmiley: