BMX General => BMX Chat => Topic started by: punkdSICO on December 18, 2011, 09:25 AM
Looks like a great price for a mess around project..
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320815385108&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123 (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320815385108&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123)
Seller does not say what the frame it but, it could be a fun on-the-cheap build for someone..
The frame is exactly what it says on it, there were loads of rip off aisian frames bitd, theres a great thread somewhere full of rip off kuwi, gt etc
looks a bargain to me 8)
That was a bragain, who got it?! ;)
not bad for the money :daumenhoch:
i can`t believe people say that a bargain for 50 quid for what is a crap copy and we scrapped those things as heavy poorly welded and snapped and it`s a fake . next we be buying bmx bits from lidi if it`s says huro on it
Seller is Fraz on ere
cool didn't realize that sold :daumenhoch:
i can`t believe people say that a bargain for 50 quid for what is a crap copy and we scrapped those things as heavy poorly welded and snapped and it`s a fake . next we be buying bmx bits from lidi if it`s says huro on it
lol didn't see that, this frames actually not bad passable welding, lightweight , and to be fair look what some people are paying for skyway ta's haros etc, also crap by todays standards. I didn't make any profit off that f&f after buying paint and decals. Not a bad alternative for an ET fan who doesn't wanna lay out a grand or more on an exact (or is it?) copy
was gonna say aint all bikes from the old school a bit crap made compared to modern bikes ;D any way i like it hence why i bought it :LolLolLolLol:
Fraz - you should have stuck it on here. Im sure you would have got 60 delivered, plus, no fees..
Eitherway, good sale - nice looking frame..
was gonna say aint all bikes from the old school a bit crap made compared to modern bikes ;D any way i like it hence why i bought it :LolLolLolLol:
cheers mate, I tried to be as honest as possible and price it fairly. I'll stick the crank, chainring and spider I was gonna use in with it for you free of charge ,just needs a bit of surface rust taking off the arms :daumenhoch:
smashing cheers mate :4_17_5: having to sell all my stuff off as i cant ride anything other than flat roads or along the beach path due to me back so fancied something i can make look sweet 8) shame as most of my stuff is new school ;D
Yeah shame new school stuff doesn't fetch much too, this f&f will defo look cool when built up :daumenhoch:
tell me about it my subrosa cost a bomb lucky if i get a third of it back :angrysoapbox: ;D