Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: animal on November 19, 2011, 08:26 PM
Gonna do some brake guards. Have a foil tin that they just fit in. Do I use it neat or use water 2 dilute it a bit ? Plus how long do I leave them in,or is it done on sight till they r whitish again ?
The guard has been in now 4 18 hours and still look yellowy :'( Do I need 2 add salt or anything or walm it up ? Paranoid now cos don't wanna fook it up by it going all brittle :-[ help me out peeps Or shall I persevere as I am ???
Wouldnt use a foil tin, the bleach may eat through it or leave a deposit on your guards. Tesco thin bleach is best and dirt cheap too. just leave em in till you are happy with em :daumenhoch:
plasic container Steve, look at the tuffs hubs that have been eaten by bleach. tin foil will melt pretty quick.
And neat bleach.
Got 1 in a plastic tub as we speak ;) Not sure how long 2 leave it in :2funny: But I guess when its a better colour thats the time, could take a day or so as per tuff wheel resto threads ::) We shall c :-\
just keep an eye and stir once in a while - can be 12hours to 2 days if needed
just watch not to long as it will/can make the plastic brittle
cheers B ;)
Help :D
Got any pics?
Bleach wont get rid of some stains. Are you using it neat? Have never had anything go brittle on me but things go get a little greasy feeling until you give em a good rinse.
Working on a top secret all purpose, all colours, plastic renovation lotion. will give you a heads up if it works :daumenhoch:
It can go brittle - but it takes time and dependent on what type of material is being used ;)
They r opaic plastic like on some no plates that have gone yellowish over time. Is it gonna work ?
It depends really on the type of plastic. Certainly no harm in trying :daumenhoch:
I think the plastic has to porous or have nylon in the composit to bleach.
I don't think the brake guards are a candidate for bleach tbh.
Just fetched it out and nothing seems 2 have happened after 2 1/2 days :'( Think its a no starter >:(
just a suggestion,but maybe cover the offending brake guard in white vinyl as a quick fix? :daumenhoch:
I had white tuffs in bleach for 6 weeks and it done nothing :-\
I had white tuffs in bleach for 6 weeks and it done nothing :-\
I had a set of beige acorns in bleach for a week too,did nothing either.followed the sticky word for word too!by the time they came out i could scrape away the surface with my fingernail! :-\
Does it have 2 b a specific bleach ? R we missing something somewhere ? Sure somebody said add salt ? ::)
cheap bleach ain't worth shite ;D lidl and aldi :-X
domestos is not bad - cheap in sainsburys
2-3 bottles in a big tub - fill the rest with water to cover
don't for get to sir it regularly and rotate the wheel over and under each other
you can take them out half way through and give them a good wash - the top skin/scum will come off
not all mags will turn white - to snow white again - sun - hard use - grease - and where stored for there 25 years all will effect the outcome
I got Parazone surely thats pretty good ? may pop down and c if scrubbing it will clean anything off :daumenhoch: Back 4 another moan later :2funny:
bleaching or dying wont work on plastic, it works on tuffs/z's etc as they are nylon
Bugger ;D will have a rethink :LolLolLolLol:
think about it - bleach comes in a coloured plastic container (bottle)...... ;)
You could try Retr0Bright - although I'm not too sure on what type of plastic you have. Used to use it (make it yourself and bag a UV bulb) on old Amigas/Commodore shell cases - have a look here:
Here the 'how to make Retr0Bright yourself' page:
Seen it used to un-yellow trainer soles etc as well so might work :)