Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: dj-paul-c on October 09, 2011, 11:53 PM
how easy would it be to get seat post out if its stuck inside the frame tube ?
the post is about 1.5--2" down from the top of the seat tube so wouldnt be able to get grips on it
any ideas how to get it out ??
What is it made of. Aluminium or chromoly?
animal steve melted one out my GT pro with caustic.
animal steve melted one out my GT pro with caustic.
it need to be an ally post to do that. :daumenhoch:
If it chromoly WD40 and a patience or a Big drill :wtf:
It took me about 2 hours to put 3 cuts through a chro-mo seat post that was wedged in a good 4" into the seat tube. I used a hacksaw blade that I'd slotted into a piece of 3/4" x 7" dowel,for extra purchase. A lot of work/patience but my only option once I'd been down the vice/lubricant/heat gun route.
i removed a mk1 burner post by first of all soaking in plus gas down the seat tube(also thriugh the bb if you can access it).i then drilled a 10mm hole through the post .i then inserted a bar through the hole so that there was no play.i then give the post a few taps from the top with hammer and then used the bar to turn the post out.i think i read this somewhere on here.this might not work all the time but it certainly worked for me.no caustic nor heat required.
Use a slide hammer.