Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: dj-paul-c on October 09, 2011, 11:53 PM

Title: seat post stuck in the frame tube
Post by: dj-paul-c on October 09, 2011, 11:53 PM
how easy would it be to get seat post out if its stuck inside the frame tube ?

the post is about 1.5--2" down from the top of the seat tube so wouldnt be able to get grips on it
any ideas how to get it out ??

Title: Re: seat post stuck in the frame tube
Post by: brettypeeps on October 09, 2011, 11:57 PM
What is it made of.  Aluminium or chromoly?
Title: Re: seat post stuck in the frame tube
Post by: dordymush on October 10, 2011, 12:00 AM
animal steve melted one out my GT pro with caustic.
Title: Re: seat post stuck in the frame tube
Post by: brettypeeps on October 10, 2011, 12:05 AM
animal steve melted one out my GT pro with caustic.

it need to be an ally post to do that.  :daumenhoch:

If it chromoly WD40 and a patience or a Big drill :wtf:
Title: Re: seat post stuck in the frame tube
Post by: hotdog on October 10, 2011, 08:32 AM
It took me about 2 hours to put 3 cuts through a chro-mo seat post that was wedged in a good 4" into the seat tube. I used a hacksaw blade that I'd slotted into a piece of 3/4" x 7" dowel,for extra purchase. A lot of work/patience but my only option once I'd been down the vice/lubricant/heat gun route.
Title: Re: seat post stuck in the frame tube
Post by: super mat on October 13, 2011, 09:29 PM
i removed a mk1 burner post by first of all soaking in plus gas down the seat tube(also thriugh the bb if you can access it).i then drilled a 10mm hole through the post .i then inserted a bar through the hole so that there was no play.i then give the post a few taps from the top with hammer and then used the bar to turn the post out.i think i read this somewhere on here.this might not work all the time but it certainly worked for me.no caustic nor heat required.
Title: Re: seat post stuck in the frame tube
Post by: Spartacus on October 13, 2011, 09:59 PM
Use a slide hammer.

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