Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: B17SSY.T.A on September 26, 2011, 10:45 PM
So ..... rewind 27 years and the Skyway TA was my weapon of choice , we were inseparable ,but to be honest I didnt quite realise the bond we all had with our bikes then , and mine , untill it had gone :'( .. I live in kent and sold the bike back to the local bike shop in Folkestone , Renhams , I saw it for sale in the window once but where it went ( or is now ) who knows ... After dabbling with mountain bikes , but never feeling quite right , I've found RAD ...and its like coming HOME .....reading stories from you guys and seeing your bikes really fill's the gap ... :)
a quick pic of the old girl from BITD
After getting carried away one late night on eBay ( c'mon we've all done it lol ) I woke the next morning to " congratulations , please pay for your purchase " * gulp * now what have I done , the missus is gonna go nuts ! .... surely not .... YES I was the proud owner of a March 84 Skyway T.A F&F, all freshly powdered and minty mmmm , now how to sneak it indoors !
After the panic of how much Ive just spent on just a FF had died away the excitement started , I found this site through a friend and never looked back , BMX has become a big part of my life again :)...
The arrival day !
I was over the moon , the Decals were new and rich colours , but really thick , and poorly fitted , a quick flick through this site ( being a newbie ) and I came across the man who has brought great joy into our lives ..... Del , who knocked up some custom decals with a chrome outline to show up on the white Frame, now we're cooking ! ( Thanks for all your sticker work Del , they look awesome on and fit perfectly , unlike the ones that came off lol )
The hunt was now on !! .... frantically trying to remember the bike spec from bitd ( which wasnt as easy as I first thought 27 yrs later ha , Thanks to everyone I sent stupid Q's to , Dale, Spen ) The bank balance seemed to go out the window and when I saw these for sale I just had to have them !
I remembered that I had a really long reach stem on the old bike, pro or tuff neck not sure , could I find one , hmmm not without taking out another mortgage , so when I came across this I was made up , its Gorgeous in the flesh , mirror finish and un marked , this is my best find so far :o)) GT XXL
rude not to match with GT Pro bars and ODI Mushrooms ;)
(http://www.radbmx.co.uk/archive/albums/e312/b17ssy/meandkye081.jpg) ... not sure if these are going stay though , as on the hunt for some Santa Ana's 29 x 10's
So Today was Decal fitting time
was hard peeling off the old Decals , felt like I was going backwards taking things OFF the bike lol, happy with the end result tho
Tomo is anno BB day , and my take on a Haro Tech Plate 8)
Lookin sweet man! Lovin those custom decals from Del :smitten:
thats going to look great with them black tuffs on looking forward to updates :daumenhoch:
Looks great so far, i love the Chrome outline on the Decals, nice touch. :daumenhoch:
should be bazzing when its finished..nice1 :daumenhoch:
About time you got started Daz, now come on, chop-chop :LolLolLolLol:
Love the decals, but Del is the man as always :coolsmiley:
Looking like the makings of a fine machine :4_17_5:
Well you are off to a bang tidy start there. Nice parts so far.
I will be keeping a close eye on this build as I think it could be a good one. :4_17_5:
Glad to see you have started the build, been keeping my eye out for your thread to start and looks sweet as so far :smitten: :daumenhoch:
Glad to be of service today dad but after your little skyway build is done, we are going oldschool Redline :)
Looking really sweet so far. 8)
The decals look great, I have done the same thing with a White TA i am building myself at the minute.
I think the chrome edging on a White frame is something they should have done bitd.
Tiz a stunner in the making this :smitten:
looking good so far :daumenhoch:
Id think about ditching those bars and going for something more era correct. They are mid school bars, and the wrong shape for your era of bike.
Have a look at these as a temporary measure..you could sell what you've got for more until the right ones turn up.
They are very very close to original gt pro/ kuwie laser bars in dimension and will look spot on on your ta.
Darren, JTSmooth (different JT!) on here sells those Kuwwie copy bars and they are a bargain - I've got 2 sets.
Build and ride it with the bars you've got to start with but you might want pro sized bars once you start riding and these bigger ones are spot on.
Got them on my copper Mongoose in me & my bikes if you want to see what they look like.
Cheers bud
Great start Darren, looking great so far 8) 8) 8)
Keep the updates coming :daumenhoch:
Looking good so far , love the chrome edging on the decals 8)
Agree on the bars though , get some of JT Smooth ..... cracking bars at a good price :daumenhoch: ..... or get some Skyway race bars :D
Can't wait to see it finished , reckon it's going to be a real looker 8)
the bar thing is no biggie, but a Ta with mid school bars on wont look right.
for 20 quid, it will look right and i bet the bars you've already got are worth more than that anyway, so win win.
Each TA that comes along makes me edge towards wanting one myself, lovely bike mate, looking forward to seeing this come along :daumenhoch:
I do like these bikes...nice build. :daumenhoch:
Go for the JT Smooth bars. :daumenhoch: Unless you've got plenty of cash to play with that is.
Ooooh yes!!! :smitten:
Stunning :smitten:
nice ta :daumenhoch: my bike as a kid too
the bar thing is no biggie, but a Ta with mid school bars on wont look right.
and stem ;)
:smitten: :smitten: If only I had the £££'s a dream build.......that is looking real nice mate, looking like a CSBOTM winner right there!! :daumenhoch:
the bar thing is no biggie, but a Ta with mid school bars on wont look right.
and stem ;)
The bars would change the look of the bike, I don't think the stem will. Especially if a set of pads are on.
Wouldn't the reach on this be similar to an ESP?
Ok guys here's some more pics :)
Sorry for the delay but I've had some pretty bad news .... after a trip to Chicksands with my son on the 14th of August I have now found out after walking around in pain for the past 4 weeks I have broken my leg :( it was going a bit crazy I must admit and landed on my haro 24 with " rigid " straight legs , It hurt like hell and I ended up in A&E the next day , only to be told atr an xRay all was good and to wear a leg brace and crutches , I wasnt the best patient thinking all was well and did with the aids and forced myself to walk ... after an MRI last week I know have a fracture of the tibial plateau , I've made it worse by walking on it , bending it etc etc and its in a pretty bad way , this is the first time ever broken anything and am keen to do the longer non surgery route, plates and pins aren't that appealing right now :(....
Im looking at a good 3-6 months on this an who knows what my cycling future holds ...
Im going to post the extra pics I have of the project but sadly guys im sick to the pit of my stomach and will either put the TA on hold , or may even abandon this and start afresh next year , No driving for 4 months , no weight bearing and crutches for a loooooong time , im gutted ..
I have Redline flight cranks on the way from the U.S and a brand new minty black Dia Comp brake from Germany , if I decide to sell you'll be the first to know
BB fitted ..
That's bad news Darren - we're not as young as we used to be are we? It took me a long time to get back into ramps after my fall bud, so take it easy.
Most importantly, DON'T sell your bike now you have it as you will regret it in 6months and you may not be ableto buy as good for the money. If you need the cash to feed the family then of course sell it' but if you can justify keeping it then try to. You can also wait a bit longer to see if any bargain bits come up in the mean time and take your time to finish it right.
Speak soon mate ;-)
wanted a Haro plate like I had bitd but the without the big bucks price tag , so this was really just for nostalgic purposes more than anything else . I found online a similar looking plate and had the Del master knock me up the relevant Decals ... I was sooo pleased when they came through , the blue looks like the red on the old coke cans ! kinda metal looking , well chuffed ! ... Ive also got on Original NOS Haro number coming from the states so all told this little projects cost me under £20 :) and kept me out of trouble sanding the BMX from the middle and replacing the decals etc
the doner plate
Dels new Decals with black HARO for the centre
the BMX is going :)
managed to save the frame sticker too ! ;) .... The brass rivet's need painting black and the decals fitted , ( I have done the sides and it looks great , Del's done such a good job )
Sweet dude loving this!! 8)
After the verdict from the doc on my leg , my biking days are going to be a loooooong way away , after long hard thought I am going to have pass this project on to someone who can get it finished , so sadly all these bits , plus the Graphites and Redine Flight Crank will be on the FORSALE in the next couple of days .............. :(
Thats gutting! No chance you can just hang onto it? ???
Gutted for you. :(
You've got to keep hold of it. You've spent too much time and money to give up now. You'll need an incentive for those days when the leg rehab is getting you down and you can now take your time with the build.
You're so close to having s stunning ride. :daumenhoch:
Good luck with it all.
Gutted for you shame you have to sell her :smitten: GLWS
that's terrible news mate - hope you heal fast and decide to hold onto it
great work with the plate too, some great DIY work there (might try that myself ;D)
Feel for yer mate ,its one thing having a broken leg which as said will hopefully get sorted soon but to have to sell that bute would brake my heart ,could you not keep it and use as a form of therapy while your recovering ;)
Damn this sucks dude get well soon
think about selling the t.a you are gonna regret it..
i even cant find one ...
Sorry to hear your news mate. As the others have said, if you can keep the bike then do.
Even if you hadn't broken your foot the weather is going to be $hite over the winter so you wouldn't have really been able to enjoy the bike much apart from building it anyway. Until the summer anyway at which time you should be firing on all cylinders again.
Yep, keep it if you can but dib dobs on the blue BB if you don't... :shocked:
Cash & my black BB deal if you like so you can sell your cranks complete ;-)
Sorry, someone had to ask about splittage....
Yep, keep it if you can but dib dobs on the N if you don't...
Cash & my black BB deal if you like so you can sell your cranks complete ;-)
Sorry, someone had to ask about splittage....
VOLTURE :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
Keep it dude : Look at it as a sort of goal to achive to ride it
and you have the time now to put tlc in the bike
Mate you gotta keep it, I broke my fibula just over 6 weeks ago now on a concrete bowl, it will heal, I'm 38, built my first streatbeat went to the park for my first ride since god knows when and broke my leg! :crazy2:
I'm back on the bikes again, I'm not a very good rider just like pulling a few 180's this is from this mornings little ride, same bowl only this time on the ammaco, you gotta keep it and get riding, it's great fun, tho I should wear a lid after seeing Spens mug all broken up :-\
So don't give in bud, get it built and get back oooot!! hope you fix well soon :daumenhoch:
Trust Spen ! lol ....
The Redline Flights turned up this morning , and im hoping to sel the FF , BB , headset and Flights as a bundle , the Graphites will have the Rainbow labels fitted and cleaned etc and will do together , the stem separate and the GT bars and Odi mushroom grips as a unit , Ive got a pretty cool black and white SKYWAY Tshirt thats just turned up from Ed at planet BMX in the states , so that will be on here too .... The Pro Race Haro 24" cruiser in white will be for sale , not sure if someone on here will be interested , only used a few times , or it'll go on the bay .. ( my Specialised mountain bike too )
Thanks for all the support and messages guys , Im still going to be coming on here , i love it , but bike wise i need a clean slate , as crazy as that may sound , and yes i know ill regret it but walking again properly without a limp , and being able to walk up stairs again is my main priority :( ... a nice spongy full suspension mtb will be me hopefully late next year , with maybe a nice old school cruiser if the range of movement comes back in my knee .. we'll see
but the TA , wont ever be ridden , not like i'd hoped , its too small ... would be worse for me looking at it wishing , or trying to ride it etc ..... than selling it and knowing its finished and complete .
Hoping the next xRay in a few weeks time lets me go back to work in some capacity , with a brace and crutches , they're starting to get a bit pee'd off now , ( new job , only been there a day and did my leg !! would you believe it grrrrr )
enough of my waffle , too much time on my hands .......im off to take some nice pics to put in the for sale section
Sad to hear you are going to sell it but I can understand why, hope you heal soon.
Fair play bud heal soon :daumenhoch:
sorry to here the news hope all is well in the end :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: