Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: paulski1966 on July 15, 2011, 09:00 AM
Ok, i know that this won't be to everyones liking as its a repro but thought i'd post it up anyway.
Wanted a BMX for my son, and wasn't happy with the fact that most modern day bikes look like they've been made out of scaffolding, so wanted to build something old school.
As a kid in the 80s i had various BMXs (Diamondbacks, Burners etc.) but there was always 2 bikes i craved, one being the Skyway TA - I'd already seen a number of 16" repros of these so wanted to do something different.
Needed a frame that was for 16" wheels, was a looptail, and wasn't so rare that i wouldn't feel bad changing it. So i ended up with an early mini burner (the type with the cottered crank). Unfortuanately my computer died with the pics i had of the bike originally, but basically it was one of these that had been ridden hard for most its life, but the frame, whilst scratched, was undented and that was all i wanted it for really.
Main issue with this is the bars/stem/forks and the lack of a headset. So i purchased another bike of ebay (a scabby universal for 99p!) to use as a donor for the forks and bars.
Frame and forks were stripped back to bare metal and sprayed in zinc primer
then painted up
here it is with the donor forks and headset on
The decals were always going to make or break this bike, and whilst i won't mention who made them as i don't know if there are copyright issues with the Hutch stuff the quality should speak for itself ;)
I also got them to make up a decal for the seat back with my sons name on it in the correct font. Probably my favourite part of the bike :)
Always wanted a Hutch as a kid so thought this would be a good route to go for my sons bike. This will be ridden, and was built on a budget so obviously contains no Hutch parts :-[ ;D.
And here it is pretty much finished apart from some small details. Apologies for the crappy picture.
Mini burner frame
Mini burner cranks
Universal Forks
DC Tech 3 replica
DC Bulldog rear brake
Raleigh 16" Mags
Generic pedals.
Generic stem
Junior NOS San Marco seat
AME mini grips
All low end stuff, but then this is a rider.
Like i said, i appreciate that this won't be to everyones liking being a repro, but happy with how its turned out, and my son is over the moon with it which is what matters :) .
Thats fantastic, and your are right those mkl mini's with no headset are wank, i built onefor my daughter and even she got annoyed that it needed tightening down every time she rode it
Love the saddle decal, thats awesome :daumenhoch:
Dude, If Iwas your lad I'd be made up smoking around on that :daumenhoch:
Its not all about the parts dude, you can see that plenty of love and care went it building that for your lad, nice one ;)
Damn fine job that mate :daumenhoch:
Love it. :daumenhoch:
Planning on doing a couple for my kids when they get a bit older. A TA for my son (to match mine) and a Hutch Hollywood for my daughter. (It HAS to be pink).
Nice touch with the seat as well.
Any little dude would be proud riding that.
I've got a team burner ready for my Lad but looking at what you have done I may be redoing it, love it, :daumenhoch:
Hughs Hutch = Awesome :daumenhoch:
Good work ;)
:) Great job,nice to see something different.Depending on the width/thread of the BB you could
put a nice little 3 pc crank on there.
Cheers for the kind comments everyone they're much appreciated.
Thats fantastic, and your are right those mkl mini's with no headset are wank, i built onefor my daughter and even she got annoyed that it needed tightening down every time she rode it
The lack of headset was the main thing that put me off the frame, as i didn't like the original bars and the lack of stem just would have looked very wrong
Love the saddle decal, thats awesome :daumenhoch:
Cheers, the credit for that has to go to the guy who made them though, as i sent him a photo of the saddle with hugh tpyed on it in microsoft paint! From this they managed to make spot on decals with the correct curve etc. They also had to modify the down tube decal, as the down tube is obviously smaller then a proper hutch so the decal for this was scaled down and fits spot on.
Some people just have a vision in their head that they know will look spot on when its done, this is one of those times. SPOT ON MATE, LOVE IT
awesome little bike.................. :smitten:
If there was a mini bike of the month, I would vote for that :smitten: Proper awesome stuff and a real sweet ride for ya lad :daumenhoch: He must be over the moon :coolsmiley: Nice personnal touches and well thought out too bro ;)
That looks the nut's :daumenhoch:
Some people just have a vision in their head that they know will look spot on when its done
Yes Adam, take note ;D
That's great! I would love a hutch too, but money is the issue with me as well, being only 14 :L
A couple of better photos
Love this. :daumenhoch:
Well the black Hutch replica was a little large for my son (was fine whilst riding, just struggled to get his leg down when stopping) so until he grows into it i thought i'd get him a little hack to ride about on. Found this chrome looptail 14" on ebay, and gave it a little tart up. Made the decals myself, general tidy up and slapped on a seat and pair of tech 4s i had already.
Not bad for under £15 in total :D
And knocked up a couple of decals for the black bike at the same time
Great work! :daumenhoch:
That's one lucky kid you've got there.
How many kids his age can say they have TWO Hutch replicas! ;)
nice bikes i do like the minis
That is one funky little ride :daumenhoch: