Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: kungfunky on July 07, 2011, 08:13 AM
Will DYLON work as well as RIT DYE ? I need to get some grips dyed black and ordered some rit of the bay only to be told it was currently out of stock and wont be in until the end of July :knuppel2: Dylon seems to be more available though,
I'd use Rit if i were you, especially of it's for grips :daumenhoch:
how about on a seat ?
fine on seats :daumenhoch:
That reminds me Ash, we need an exchange of pics and I don't mean any more of your beastiality porn, I've told you before it's PeterJ who's into that, not me ;-)
I'll sort it this weekend bud.
Well I never thought I'd see the day Spen when you didn't want anymore of my porn.. :shocked: :shocked:
got some of the pics ready pal :-*
RIT is as good as Dylon, but unless it's black it doesn't always match the old school colours - you get a better look with dylon's colours - look into both when choosing to match colours ;)