Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: m5 paul on May 12, 2011, 04:24 PM
Bought an aero F&F of ebay a while back but it is still unknown what it really is. I like the frame and I don't care what the hell make it is, it will still get a nice build I hope!!!
SBD has worked his magic and given it the colour I "REALLY" wanted and Del has done a sterling job on the stickers.
As I don't know what it is I decided to have some fun :D .
So, after applying (for the first time ever) a set of Dels finest I present the start of the "SKYWAT" ;D .
Hopefully, once I finish collecting all the parts and refinish a few bits then it will be a pretty decent rider :daumenhoch: .
Skywat ;D :daumenhoch:
looking forward to seeing the Skywat come together ;)
:LolLolLolLol: liking that lovely color , stickies a brill :daumenhoch: :LolLolLolLol:
I keep reading it as "skytwat" >:D
should be a tidy little rider that, nice1 :daumenhoch:
Love it, get it finished!
Skywat ;D Like that cheered me up lmao :2funny:
Nice colour and clever decals :smitten: be nice to see it come together :daumenhoch:
That is the best TU ive ever seen to date well done :smitten:
Quality name
sweet, nice to see some fun on the bikes, i'm painting a clowns bike for
scorcher mick and thats going to be differant ;)
Nice one :daumenhoch:
Love the colour :smitten:
I keep reading it as "skytwat"
Same.... ;D
Loving the originality and humour of your build; nice to see someone flickin' the finger at the anal retentive nature of era correctness (of which I am as guilty of as the next, before you all start squealing)! :4_17_5:
Good work, fella! :daumenhoch:
Fpmsl! brilliant! nice colour and excellent decals ;D
Thanks for the nice responses. I think I am gonna adore this bike :smitten: . I have a set of ukai 1.5s with red suzue high flange hubs to go on and a few other bits that will make it look pretty classy but with a bit of fun being poked skyways way ;D .
I don't take life too serious, I build bikes for me and not for how others perceive they should be or for future resale.
I would however love a genuine skyway and a DP just like I had back in the day :daumenhoch: .
Up on the table and starting to take shape. I had an issue with the headset. The fork thread extended too far for the lock nut. I had a big gap there so i had to use one extra washer and I bought a landar locknut. Missed out on two Tange ones as I had a ceiling price I wasn't prepared to bid over so the landar one will do just to get it up and running but there will be a tange one on it at some point.
Got to say I love these wheels and the look it gives the bike so far
Clamp will get a good polish, just there so i don't lose it at the moment :2funny:
A pair of ebay bars. Wasn't prepared to ruin a set of good original EZ bars so will clean up the welds on these and paint them up in halfords aluminium :D . Got to say they are really light bars.
Other than the F&F, locknut and bars, all the other bits came from good old RAD members :daumenhoch: .
Love the "TOTALLY UNKNOWN" decals :LolLolLolLol:
Good fun build project - coming along nicely :)
Definately loving this!! Anti name decals and a damned smart looking base, will look excellent when finished i am sure!! :daumenhoch:
nice one paul, I like it.
tell me does your frame have a tear drop profile down tube?? as the frame looks very similar to one i have except mine has a small three holed gusset under the downtube
thats looking nice mate....... :smitten: love the wheels and the bike stand! :daumenhoch:
tell me does your frame have a tear drop profile down tube?? as the frame looks very similar to one i have except mine has a small three holed gusset under the downtube
Yes it does. I has a very pronounced teardrop shape.
Thanks for nice comments guys, should be a cracker when done and hopefully quite lightweight.
coming along real nice!
thats looking nice mate....... :smitten: love the wheels and the bike stand! :daumenhoch:
Well pleased with the rims, exactly the look I wanted as I know the colour the fram was gonna be :daumenhoch:
nice build so far.those rims look exactly like the ones i built up about 2 years ago.then i quickly sold them coz i found some zytecs for my aero.i think they went to leicstershire.
up 4 my buddy 4 Le Mans cashola :daumenhoch: