Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: lk_97 on January 31, 2011, 04:17 PM
I have some OGK style wheels, can't remember who by, but shall I bleach them a nice white, then use them, or shall I use some spokes, e.g weinnmans or something, this is a rider custom and isn't all date perfect, besides, when you had your bike through the years, it wasnt all parts from the year you bought it?
anyone? ???
I would use spikes all day long on a rider as I like the rigidity of them bit other people sware by skyways or OGKs it is all what you prefer. I use araya 7x's on my Haro Master but also use araya super 7x's
My new school bikes have alex rims on them :daumenhoch:
Would it be considerd sacrilage to put new school wheels on my mongoose? :LolLolLolLol:
Only asking as I have a new school mirraco im having no luck selling ???
Some might say so. But like you said back in the day bikes evolved and have a good mix of different aged parts on them so why not. You do what you feel is right with your budget mate
your new school rear wheel will have 14mm axle so won't fit your old school rear dropouts
Oh ok thanks :) I think I'd be better off with building it up with os parts anyway