Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: Steve P on October 23, 2010, 05:47 PM

Title: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Steve P on October 23, 2010, 05:47 PM
I've been after another set of white coaster Tuffs for a while and grabbed a set off ebay last week ... for a reasonable price too  :daumenhoch:

They've seen better days but they weren't as bad as what I was expecting so I've got high hope with these ... the normal yellowing and 'dog plop' stains are there plus the corroded hubs will need some extra attention too

Here's how they arrived  :D







The rear wheel's been dropped in the drink already and I'm trying a new c0cktail of chemicals in boiling water so I'll keep you posted on the outcome  :daumenhoch:


Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: sid1972 on October 23, 2010, 05:48 PM
bring it on... like cooking shows me.....  ;)
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: MartyC on October 23, 2010, 06:23 PM
A dodle for a resto king like you  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Macmania on October 23, 2010, 09:26 PM
Hmm.....interesting Steve (you know why)  :D
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Steve P on October 23, 2010, 10:49 PM
Just washed and rinsed the rear wheel and I'm well chuffed already ... all the yellowing and brown stains have completely gone  :shocked:


Now for the front wheel which is the worse one of the two  :-\
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: CD17 on October 23, 2010, 10:59 PM
That looks sweet Steve  8)
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: bobafett on October 23, 2010, 11:25 PM


Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Gashead on October 23, 2010, 11:29 PM
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: ED209 on October 24, 2010, 07:56 AM
Looks top that - So what was the chemical cocktail Dr Steve?
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Steve P on October 24, 2010, 04:51 PM
Looks top that - So what was the chemical cock-a-doodle-dotail Dr Steve?

I made a potion using caustic soda, bleach, washing powder and oven cleaner in boiling water ... the wheels fizzed away nicely and it worked alot quicker than the normal long soak in neat bleach !! The front wheel's all done now and they've both turned out really nice  :D

Just need to detail the front hub and refit the guts and hardware  :daumenhoch:




Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Macmania on October 24, 2010, 05:03 PM
Great job Steve, will have to try that potion for my self  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Steve P on October 24, 2010, 05:08 PM
Great job Steve, will have to try that potion for my self  :daumenhoch:

Go for it Nath ... make sure you use boiling water cause it seemed to accelerate the cleaning process  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: ED209 on October 24, 2010, 10:04 PM
Steve ... I think you just made Napalm  :shocked:

Anyone who is attempting this needs to be doing it in a VERY WELL VENTILATED room or you could be in trouble  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Steve P on October 24, 2010, 10:24 PM
Anyone who is attempting this needs to be doing it in a VERY WELL VENTILATED room or you could be in trouble  :daumenhoch:

Yeah, this jobs definitely one for the outdoors ... don't forget to wear protective clothing and decent rubber gloves too  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Gashead on October 24, 2010, 10:27 PM
Wish mine came out that good...................gunna have to send them to you too  :D
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Steve P on October 24, 2010, 10:43 PM
Have a go with the caustic Nick ... these wheels were covered with a beige, powdery like substance that scraped off with my nail. I reckon the caustic disolved it away and I'm thinking the old bleach method doesn't work like that  :-\

I might have got lucky with these Tuffs but it's definitely worth a go mate  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: brettypeeps on October 25, 2010, 12:40 AM
What a great result
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: MartyC on October 25, 2010, 02:13 PM
Anyone who is attempting this needs to be doing it in a VERY WELL VENTILATED room or you could be in trouble  :daumenhoch:

Yeah, this jobs definitely one for the outdoors ... don't forget to wear protective clothing and decent rubber gloves too  :daumenhoch:

Can I also add that you need to be careful with the amount of caustic soda; too much and you'll have no alloy hub left  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: ED209 on October 25, 2010, 03:03 PM
Steve... I'm gonna give my OGKs a go but can you break down what you did a bit more?

How long did you leave them in?
how much of each chemical did you put in?
how many pink elephants did you see before you passed out?
what was the come down like?
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Steve P on October 25, 2010, 06:02 PM
How long did you leave them in?
how much of each chemical did you put in?
how many pink elephants did you see before you passed out?
what was the come down like?

Mine only needed a few hours each to soak ... there's no time scale and it depends how bad your wheels are really  :-\  Just make sure you keep a keen eye on things to make sure the hubs don't get ruined in the process  ;)

I used boiling water (enough to cover one wheel), a 2 litre bottle of cheap bleach with a cup full each of caustic granules and washing powder. The oven cleaner was the spray foam type which I applied and left to soak before they went in

No pink elepahants present while they fizzed away ... just plenty of tea and biscuits with Cheryl Cole on TV  :LolLolLolLol:
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: bobafett on October 26, 2010, 12:58 AM

   what was the come down like?

fookin LOL  :LolLolLolLol:

Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Mattdub on October 26, 2010, 08:47 AM
Very nice work Mr P  :daumenhoch: , I'd seen on the news that a toxic cloud had appeared around your way  :LolLolLolLol:
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: double chevron on October 26, 2010, 10:35 AM
"Certified Steve P material" one more time  :coolsmiley:
The mixture looks like something I wouldn't like to breath too long, but the result is rather nice
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: 58 delray on October 26, 2010, 12:04 PM
was round steve's while the first wheel was in and the concoction he brewed up looked like something out of a witches cauldron  :LolLolLolLol:

nice job mate  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: steve69 on October 27, 2010, 10:55 PM
Lovely job.

When can i bring mine round ???
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: griff on October 30, 2010, 12:08 AM
news just in...

police have been making arrests after investigating what they believe to be a secret al qaeda terrorist network
they discovered one member, known only as 'steve69' had been sharing information online on how to create deadly chemical weapons using readily available household chemicals

it appears the group have been operating undetected for some time, using a website about children's bicycles as cover

according to reports, police were alerted after neighbours reported a strange mist in the sky and complained of burning eyes and lungs

Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Steve P on October 30, 2010, 04:08 PM
There's always been a strange mist hovering over my place ... I blame it on the beans  :LolLolLolLol:
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: squigly on February 10, 2011, 12:10 PM
I've been after another set of white coaster Tuffs for a while and grabbed a set off ebay last week ... for a reasonable price too  :daumenhoch:


what have you protected the alloy hubs with ?
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: ozone on February 10, 2011, 12:57 PM
Don't know what he used but that rear coaster hub is steel, not alloy.  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: WHITE COASTER TUFFS - the resto begins !!
Post by: Swivel on February 10, 2011, 02:20 PM
Awesome stuff Steve  :smitten: will deffo do this with my white alloy hubbed set soon  :daumenhoch:
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