Events => Events => Topic started by: animal on August 02, 2010, 08:11 PM
If it wasn't 4 Si on sat night I would have probably spent sunday onwards in Hospital with god knows how many burns ::) Pissed out my face I nearly fell in the barby?fire :LolLolLolLol: but he saved me :4_17_5:
was funny as fook steve,you staggered backwards further than you had walked forwards nearly to sit on our camp fire!!! :LolLolLolLol:
heres steve sunday about 11am ,,,still out of it i reckon
i introduced myself to him earlier and all i got was a blank stare :2funny: well out of it :LolLolLolLol:
MarkyP pushed you Steve, something to do with MRD's or something like that.
MarkyP pushed you Steve, something to do with MRD's or something like that.
You were well away Steve - funny as fook mate :LolLolLolLol:
Watching you trying to get your shoes off was the best bit..........
hell i thought I would have looked worse than that :uglystupid2:
Soz about that thrasher ::) I was kinda in a world of my own :2funny:
LOL your arse must of been a fire magnet then, you kept have me pull you away from our fire as well :D :D :D
Great to see you Steve and well done with the MRD :daumenhoch: