Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: g_lamb on July 25, 2010, 08:47 PM

Title: Think I might have screwed up :-(
Post by: g_lamb on July 25, 2010, 08:47 PM
Had my LBS fit some Tioga Sealed BB cups into my Torker Freestylist and Skyway Street Beat the other day and went to have a play with both bikes this afternoon

I needed to whack the sealed bearings into the cups on the Torker and both seemed to go in Ok, although I'm surprised I needed to do this.

I then struggled to whack the bearings into the Street Beat on the Chanring side and only went in half way. I decided to whack in the other side and use the nut to tighten the other side but it didn't work. Had to completely fook both bearing cases trying to remove them by whacking a screwdriver from behind each one. Needed to use a thin screwdriver coz the crank (Takagi OPC) was in the way so this punched through the plastic seal (Not happy as these ain't cheap  :tickedoff: ).

Back to square one for the Street Beat but at least the crank is out. It then occurred to me that I'm probably fooked getting the sealed bearing cases out of the Torker for when I send it to SBD to work his magic.

Any thoughts?

To say I'm well p!ssed off is an understatement right now coz I can't finish me Street Beat and I'm away during the week so could be going to MK without me bikes even though I've registered for S'n'S  >:(
Title: Re: Think I might have screwed up :-(
Post by: animal on July 25, 2010, 08:58 PM
Bud u can flick the seals out the bearings with a craft knife dead easy . Straighten them with a large screwdriver on a flat surface  and refit  ;) The bearings should be a push fit in the cups . Mine only seem 2 fit 1 way , don't know if urs r the same ??? they may b slightly tapered ?? I know all this as I have been messing with sealed BB's over the weekend  :uglystupid2: These BB's r a right barsteward 2 get out once fitted cause no gaps 2 get a screwdriver in like u said and how the hell r u supposed 2 get the bearings out ??  :tickedoff: May b time2 make a tool  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Think I might have screwed up :-(
Post by: QUADROPHENIA on July 25, 2010, 09:33 PM

bitd i used to grease the bearing before they went in the cups otherwise they would never come out, i think it was rich waxin who had to cut a nos 1 piece to get em out
Title: Re: Think I might have screwed up :-(
Post by: g_lamb on July 26, 2010, 07:38 AM
Bud u can flick the seals out the bearings with a craft knife dead easy . Straighten them with a large screwdriver on a flat surface  and refit  ;) The bearings should be a push fit in the cups . Mine only seem 2 fit 1 way , don't know if urs r the same ??? they may b slightly tapered ?? I know all this as I have been messing with sealed BB's over the weekend  :uglystupid2: These BB's r a right barsteward 2 get out once fitted cause no gaps 2 get a screwdriver in like u said and how the hell r u supposed 2 get the bearings out ??  :tickedoff: May b time2 make a tool  :daumenhoch:

I think I've well mullered them  m8 :-[ but will give it a go. I've also checked out the museum and somone refers to a "bearing puller". I've had a quick look on eBay but don't really know what I'm looking for and if what is listed is suitable but not in a major rush. The museum also talks about undoing all the nuts and the crank and chainring/spider to make everything that goes through the bearings as loose as possible to knock them out from behind. Defo what be using a small screwdriver again  ::)

i think it was rich waxin who had to cut a nos 1 piece to get em out


This did cross my mind coz the crank is only rider standard but perserved with the screwdriver from behind. Wish I had sawn off the crank now.

Never mind. All about the fishing this week. Off to catch a monster Carp.  ;)

Hopefully I'll catch you all at MK  :daumenhoch:
Title: Re: Think I might have screwed up :-(
Post by: pickle on July 26, 2010, 07:53 AM
have fun, where you off to? 
Title: Re: Think I might have screwed up :-(
Post by: g_lamb on July 26, 2010, 08:26 AM
have fun, where you off to? 

Thanks dude

Richworth Linear Fisheries over @ Oxford. Am hoping to catch a 30lb'er this week!

The misses is OK with me disappearing for a few days too  :daumenhoch: Suppose she gets a rest from me  ;D

Right. Best start packing the motor. See you in a few days m8
Title: Re: Think I might have screwed up :-(
Post by: Spen69 on July 26, 2010, 09:13 AM
Bring them to the big green gazeebo by the helipad and we'll have a look for you. Got a set of bearing pullers but they will only get the bearings out the cups, you will still need to knock the cups out which we can also do. The bearings may be very slightly tapered for fitting so we can check.

Title: Re: Think I might have screwed up :-(
Post by: calmac on July 26, 2010, 01:39 PM
I find putting the bearings in the freezer overnight,then grease before knocking them in works a treat,used to do this on my motocross swingarm bearings as they were a right bitch,did it recently on my Zippo as i upgraded to a 3 piece crank & damaged one bearing before remembering this method.
After putting the bearing in the freezer it knocked in fairly easy.

Cheers, Calum 
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