Technical & Reference Section => Tech and Restoration => Topic started by: calmac on June 22, 2010, 04:41 PM
i've got a set of dia compe ? brakes for sale on e-bay & someone has contacted me saying they are'nt original as they aren't dated on rear.
Is that the case, as i'm not really clued up on old school stuff.
Brake is listed along with other stuff under calumm2006 if you want a look.
they are dated, post pics
theres link to item glen
calumthe lever definately isnt DC, its a tec3 copy. As far as I know the calipers should say mx1000 and a date, not A1000. Dont look real to me unfortunately
Not really that bothered came on a bike, just clearing out, don't want a row with e-bay though.
think i'll just say not sure check pics, as i'm showing rear so not trying to hide anything.
what ya think ?
my thinking too mate.
They do look bling on as well.
my thinking too mate.
They do look bling on as well.
nothing wrong with 'too honest' ... stops your soul looking like a raisin :angel:
Deffo a copy - doesn't have the MX stamp on the front :daumenhoch:
Deffo a copy - doesn't have the MX stamp on the front :daumenhoch:
did have an "MX" graphic on front r/h/s opposite the black dia-comp one, i polished it off OOPS !!
The 'MX' on a genuine DC is cast into the metal and is not a graphic so you can't polish it off :LolLolLolLol:
Real DC below:
I only just noticed today that the dia compe text on the left is stamped under the decal aswell . :daumenhoch:
origonals are stamped up something like this ? think it depends on the year? this set i is beyond repair :'(
tbh i think an original MX1000 with a polished off MX is going to be worth fek all mate.
I only just noticed today that the dia compe text on the left is stamped under the decal aswell . :daumenhoch:
The very early one's didn't have the stamp under the decal , so when id' ing these you can only go by the pin point cast quality and the stamping on the rear of the arms. :coolsmiley:
Looks like a chang star type copy to me
well if anyones wanting a cheap (COPY) set for a rider they're on e-bay now under calumm2006 items