Old School BMX 1980 - 1988 => Old School Freestyle (frame stands and kickturns galore!) => Topic started by: darkslider on March 26, 2010, 11:52 PM
Which would be your choice of the above? How much are a decent set? And lastly what era are they? Wanting them for an 84 bike!
First time i've seen some of them ... http://bmxmuseum.com/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=1805887#p1805887 ... them things are nice 8)
from a quick search it looks like they were stock on a 1988 bike so maybe a bit late for yours
Nippons maybe more era correct ... i've bought sets from £40-100 .. they tend to go higher than that on ebay though
What were they on in 88? Only post I found was vintagebmx one which didnt give a timeline! Cheers Ian
Checked it out, it seems that all FS brakes seem to be post 85! I probably need an 882 nippon or FS 880 for front then.
This is the one i seen .. not sure if its all factory though ... http://bmxmuseum.com/bikes/peregrine/10628
yum I have a set of white FSX111's on my peregrine and a NOS black set waiting to go on another Peregrine If i ever sort it out... lovely brakes but wrong era for a 84 build.. even nippons are too late... FS880 is prob your best bet for an 84 build although most of my 880's seem to be stamped 85, I'm sure I have seen 84 stamped ones though.
sorry but any excuse to post up my peregrine wares....
Hey Derek interested if you can find the 84's. A set of FSX's on ebay.com with cheap postage!
Del.....you got any 880 sets knocking about in green or blue that you want to get shot of? :daumenhoch:
Del.....you got any 880 sets knocking about in green or blue that you want to get shot of? :daumenhoch:
Are you looking for for the powder blue ones?
I've been after a blue rear 880 for a while, anodised one though :-\
Matt, just get hold of any 880, strip it and send the arms to paul at custom colour to annodise in blue.... that's what I did ;) good job and a bargain!