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Author Topic: Andy Restall Ban  (Read 1067 times)

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Andy Restall Ban
« on: December 05, 2009, 07:03 PM »
Lock/Delete this if u see fit, tbh a thread locked by someone who knows fook all about the shit politics that BCF employs has led me to re post and delete me if u want >:D

Just my two pennies worth.

Andy is not disputing his beahviour and has/is openly apologising and is and was prepared to accept the punishment that fits the crime. He was prepared to face this months ago but the meets were put off by BCF, why? the guy is going to lose 2010 as a racer when he could have faced a winter ban and possibly some early Nats.

At the end of the day it sounds like the ref should have been up front, if he didn't feel able then maybe he/she needs a re train, to hide from things like this will only insight anger and bad feeling and lead to this situation....................

I cant get over the fact that the Region have not dealt with this internally, WTF  If the South Region had dealt with things the same way maybe a certain parent would not remain loose in the community to attack officials and parents at will 

At the end of the day, abusing, scragging an official is wrong and deserves punishment but just like everything else where BCF is involved there is no consistency applied to the rules. It's a real shame when this shit happens and the lack of consistency leads the BMX community to question who runs it and how, yet again Webdawg


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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2009, 07:44 PM »
Its a shame that Andy wasnt prepared to applogise 2 months ago, maybe if he had we wouldnt be here.

Andy is a top guy, a larger than life BMX character who puts 110% into everything he does. One thing you cant measure is Andy's passion for the sport.

Yes things were not ideal in the build up to the 'minor incident' as youre hubby put it, but thats no reason to throttle someone. FFS its an old guys cruiser class at a regional.

Ratty says he got a ban back in 82'. well that was then and this is now. If you hadnt noticed things have moved on and its nearly 2010. We have a governing body to which all cycling disciplines have to conform to, not the old system run out of a caravan on race day and someones spare room durin the week. BC are not gonna alet this lie.

As for the region not dealing with it, I gather that it was taken out of the regions control when complaints were recieved at BC HQ, complaints and allegations that they can not ignore.

Saying that its one rule for one and one rule for another is rubbish. What is there to compare against? I dont think there is a long list of 'throttling the race ref' situations. Some people want to compare the situation with that of Dan Whyte and Scott Waterhouse. Why? these are two totally different situations. Maybe Dan and Scott got away with one race bans for actually realising their mistakes, shaking hands and appologising in public? Who knows.

Dale has said that the late and great Rob Indri would have been banned on numerous occasions under the BC's way of running things. I dont think that is true. Yes Rob wrote the rule book when it came to spitting his dummy out, but never did physically assault a race official. One thing that Rob was very good at was appologising and a good race referee should be able to see poast the 'red mist' and give that rider the chance to reflect, calm down and make their appologies.

It takes a big man to say when he is wrong. I feel in this case its a bit overdue. 6/7 months could have been a whole lot worse! I have read on the Facebook page that Andy and Harry will retire from the sport now. Well that really would be a shame. If Andy walks away now he will carry it with him for the rest of his life. If he takes it on the chin, does his time and gets stuck back in next summer he can put it behind him. i hope he takes that option.


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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2009, 07:54 PM »
It's a disgrace!

They're looking after their own yet again. (I wonder who really did the damage here, and pushed for this punishment)

If it wasn't for him where would Midlands BMX be right now? It's gonna be a real shame if he does pack it all in.

If BC like you they will move all the goalposts to help you, if they don't like you - you're F***ed. (Just look at  the Olympics qualifying for evidence of that!)

I know I've not raced since having the metal plate put in my arm, but there's no way I'd buy a license after all this crap if I was OK to race.


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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2009, 07:59 PM »
Look at the big picture. it dioesnt all revolve around one or two riders.

At the top level in all disciplines BC are routhless. they will drop you quicker than you can say 'Rooooonga'!

If BC have something to deal with like this it goes beyond the BMX Commission.

Zippy, I think some people do give a fook!

Offline Haro82

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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2009, 09:03 PM »
A lot of people are using this as a lets bash the BCF thing for handing out such a ban, or a lets bash the region for taking it to the BCF rather than keeping it in house.

But if you look at the ban for the actual crime then maybe it fits  :-\

I know if you throttled a referee in Sunday morning football after the game had finished you would get a longer ban than 6 months that is a cert.


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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2009, 10:09 PM »
A ban in 1982 should be no different to a ban in 2009, the punishment should fit the crime, the crime should be dealt with swiftly following the correct channels whether it be from a fookin caravan or BCF HQ although where the difference is in them i cant tell  :LolLolLolLol:, END OF, thats what pisses me off :rant:

Andy is a great guy and as a mate of 20+ years who puts a hell of a lot into the sport and i would be really sad to see him go.

This incident has not triggered a backlash on BCF as a stand alone,

Flem banned from Cheddar
Olympic Selection
Dealing with the Elite incident
Dropping O/S as recognised class
The National selection in 2010 (dont even get me started on that farse FFS)
And now Andy

Last in a long line, it's not a fair, elected commission, bar 1 member that i have respect for they are a biggoted bunch of money grabbing shits who wont get a penny more of our hard earned  :rant:

I'll make my war to the tar pit now eh Sean  :-*
« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 10:16 PM by Mrs Ratty »


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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2009, 10:15 PM »
A ban in 1982 should be no different to a ban in 2009, the punishment should fit the crime, the crime should be dealt with swiftly following the correct channels, END OF, thats what pisses me off :rant:

Andy is a great guy and as a mate of 20+ years who puts a hell of a lot into the sport and i would be really sad to see him go.

This incident has not triggered a backlash on BCF as a stand alone,

Flem banned from Cheddar
Olympic Selection
Dealing with the Elite incident
Dropping O/S as recognised class
The National selection in 2010 (dont even get me started on that farse FFS)
And now Andy

Last in a long line, it's not a fair, elected commission, bar 1 member that i have respect for they are a biggoted bunch of money grabbing shits who wont get a penny more of our hard earned  :rant:



Maybe this could a calling for you and Ratty? a new venture. Set up you're own new governing body  ???



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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2009, 10:21 PM »
A ban in 1982 should be no different to a ban in 2009, the punishment should fit the crime, the crime should be dealt with swiftly following the correct channels, END OF, thats what pisses me off :rant:

Andy is a great guy and as a mate of 20+ years who puts a hell of a lot into the sport and i would be really sad to see him go.

This incident has not triggered a backlash on BCF as a stand alone,

Flem banned from Cheddar
Olympic Selection
Dealing with the Elite incident
Dropping O/S as recognised class
The National selection in 2010 (dont even get me started on that farse FFS)
And now Andy

Last in a long line, it's not a fair, elected commission, bar 1 member that i have respect for they are a biggoted bunch of money grabbing shits who wont get a penny more of our hard earned  :rant:



Maybe this could a calling for you and Ratty? a new venture. Set up you're own new governing body  ???


Whatever mate, we're not after a new elected body or commission, just a fairly run one, stay with the sheep tho buddy BAAAAAAAAAAA

Offline stidds

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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2009, 11:01 PM »
I'll make my war to the tar pit now eh Sean  :-*

Why the fook throw that at me?  Just because I didn't want arguements on Rad, then I am the bad guy?  Thanks Nikki  :tickedoff:
« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 11:05 PM by Stidds »

Offline RATTY

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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2009, 02:48 AM »
I'll make my war to the tar pit now eh Sean  :-*

Why the fook throw that at me?  Just because I didn't want arguements on Rad, then I am the bad guy?  Thanks Nikki  :tickedoff:
I think frustration is thrown into the mix there, locking such an emotive topic Sean doesnt stop it being a current issue. Dont take this the wrong way but surely locking a thread because it "might go tits up" is a tad hasty.
Lets see the wood for the trees, this is a valid point, sure Andy did wrong, and yes other incidents have been punished in a far lighter manner.
If Andy was  an arse all the time then I would understand it, but he is not. I dont need to sing his praises but I do feel that an injustice should be put right.

A long time ago, in a land far away!


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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2009, 09:57 AM »

Whatever mate, we're not after a new elected body or commission, just a fairly run one, stay with the sheep tho buddy BAAAAAAAAAAA

You're getting me mixed up with someone else love, I'm not part of the BC flock.




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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2009, 10:19 AM »
Hmmmm so he is your friend of 20 years, and your disagreeing with his ban.......hardly a suprise is it. He dseserved what he got the moment he lifted his hands to the official, you can try and divert the attention onto the governing body as much as you want, but he still did what he did. To me the ban is thoroughly deserved. Maybe others have got off lightly in the past then, maybe you should campaign to have there punishments increased instead.

Offline crazycraig

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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2009, 10:29 AM »
So what happened ?
Old School BMX only
Cash is King
Your not famous because you have a BMX so dont expect me to lick your arse for bits !!! I will leave that to the sheep
Jim'll fix it did loads for charity


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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2009, 10:41 AM »
. He dseserved what he got the moment he lifted his hands to the official,

Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if the punishment was from the time it happened, and not delayed to have a bigger impact on next season.

It's not like he was trying to avoid the meeting - it was BC who cancelled them.

Offline RATTY

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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2009, 03:12 PM »
If ya get 7 months ban just for this you might as well have given him a shot instead of threatening a shot. :shocked:
A long time ago, in a land far away!


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Re: Andy Restall Ban
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2009, 03:23 PM »
Hmmmm so he is your friend of 20 years, and your disagreeing with his ban.......hardly a suprise is it. He dseserved what he got the moment he lifted his hands to the official, you can try and divert the attention onto the governing body as much as you want, but he still did what he did. To me the ban is thoroughly deserved. Maybe others have got off lightly in the past then, maybe you should campaign to have there punishments increased instead.

I'm not getting pissy just because he's a long standing friend, it's the lack of consistency in procedures and punishments that get my goat up BCF is not about fair rulings, whether it be for Andy or others, it's about who you know and who you've pissed off and that is not the way to run a professional body  :tickedoff:

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