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Offline RATTY

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Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« on: December 04, 2009, 10:02 PM »
Some of you may know that BCF have handed down a 6 month ban to Andy for a "minor" indescrition.

It is very heavy handed and I feel BCF should reconsider the ban.

Can you help by joining Andys facebook group please :daumenhoch:
A long time ago, in a land far away!


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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2009, 10:11 PM »
Done  :daumenhoch:

Offline Dark Diggler

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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2009, 10:57 PM »
What's Facebook  ???

Tell him, fuck em and ride O/S oop North  :4_17_5:
Whats the matter Kid, don't ya like clowns? Don't we make you laugh? Aint we fukkin funny?

Offline stidds

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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2009, 10:59 PM »
What did he do then?  I cannot imagine the BCF just handing out big bans for no real reason.


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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2009, 11:12 PM »

 "minor" indescrition.

I dont think it was a minor indesretion. Andy has got off lightly in many ways.

Which other would have tolerated such an action?  ???

The whole situation is not only damning the sport but those involved

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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2009, 11:13 PM »
Anyone care to elaborate as a thread with no meaning to the masses is absolutely useless.

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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2009, 11:42 PM »
I am going to lock this thread simply as I think it could open a MASSIVE can of worms and we have enough of those threads already.  ;)

If someone REALLY wants to keep it open then pm me and offer me sexual favours and I may re-consider  :-*

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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2009, 08:48 AM »
OK I have been offered some SERIOUS sexual favours to keep this thread open so I have unlocked it again.

If anyone wants to know the background to this thread jump across to BMXTalk and enquire there, I did.

I will keep an eye on the thread to make sure no silly sh*t is being said.


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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2009, 12:14 PM »
OK I have been offered some SERIOUS sexual favours to keep this thread open so I have unlocked it again.

If anyone wants to know the background to this thread jump across to BMXTalk and enquire there, I did.

I will keep an eye on the thread to make sure no silly sh*t is being said.

silly shit being said?
who the fook are you to decide that stidds?

thats the biggest problem with this forum, too many over zealous moderators just itching to "appear" useful,
as soon as something even vaguely interesting comes up its either removed or locked,

so restall had a run in with another rider and one of the "abbreviated bodies" decides to give him a harsh ban?
wheres the big drama?

how many of us of us actually care enough to post something "silly"?


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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2009, 12:40 PM »
"What i did was yes out of order and fully reget fully, i never punched or kicked or injured , yes a grab of Scragging him for a few seconds made a few choice words about him which i fully regret this was 45 minites after racing, when he was'nt even refereeing which i us the word very losely plus he was'nt doing his job properly and was his 1st time as a so called ref + he was doing the start gate at the same time muiltitasking i suppose ???

what i did was wronge, i was never told about the DQ i am fully sorry for the above Actions"

from bmx talk.

there we go,
no need for all the "mystery"
no need for "mods" running around like headless chickens locking threads for fear of a drama,

just a decent guy getting a ban from racing for kicking off,

so you "keep your eye on it" all you want stidds,

 if it makes you feel important. :LolLolLolLol:

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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2009, 01:08 PM »


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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2009, 01:13 PM »
Its not totally clear what happened but this is what I can work out of the events as told by numerous sources on BMX Talk.   The validity of these cannot be vouched for.

Something happened on the track.  I dont know what but it looks like a DQ of some kind.  

A brand spanking new official said he was going to DQ Andy but Andy wasn't informed at the time.

Andy only found out about the DQ after the event by a third party 45mins after the meet had finished.

Andy then grabbed the said official and gave him a good scragging, so I guess Andy had him by the throat.   No punches were thrown and no other forms of violence.  

It wasn't dealt with at the time and the official sent a letter to the commission.  

The commission set dates for 5th October and 5th November for this incident to be dealt with but it got postponed to the 3rd of december.   Andy was told it was better to be turn up to the meeting and had only 5 minutes to review the charges so he wasn't given ample time to mount his case.

He then pleaded guilty to the charges and was given a 6 months ban.

I dont know Andy but as with any case, it should be dealt with fairly and quickly.

The fact this case took 2 extra months before it was decided was far too slow.  Especially since it was slated to be dealt with on the 5th October.

2 riders having a fight in the middle of a track is different to a rider attacking a ref after the event but does a 1-3 race ban compare to a 6 month ban?

Maybe Andy's punishment is overly harsh to set a precedent for future behavior.   Any attack on an official will be harshly dealt with so its an active deterant.

There was some suggestion that the official was doing the start gate and another job.  Did the official know what he was doing?   Did he make the correct call on DQ'ing Andy?

My point is not that Andy had the right to scragg the official if the official was wrong but the fact that maybe the official should have had some training so that he could do his duties properly.  The Official should have informed Andy of his DQ straight after the race and give reasons for it.   Maybe the official didn't know this.  I always thought that any DQ should be given straight away so that the rider can dispute the call and a ruling can be given by the race referee.   But I'm new to racing so maybe this isn't the case.  Maybe the official didn't have time to inform Andy of his DQ.......

R Al T-Boned Dubber at Bradford after cutting a  corner and wasn't DQ'ed as the officials (at least 2 of them missed it).

Andy was wrong but...........

Is Andy's ban the longest?

How does it compare to other offences?

Why wasn't it dealt with on the 5th October?

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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2009, 02:13 PM »
That's pretty rich coming from you Joe.

You do love a bit of that 'look at me' don't ya mate. Well you fill ya boots.   :daumenhoch:

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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2009, 02:19 PM »
 :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:

It is obviously another one of those "ignore Joe he is just trying to get some attention" moments. 

« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 02:21 PM by Stidds »

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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2009, 02:27 PM »
The reason I locked it in the 1st place was because only 1 side of the story was put forward by Tony (i.e. ridiculous BCF ban) and no other side was forthcoming. 

Now we hear the otherside of the arguement and I must admit that he should have been banned for a hell of a lot longer, Nobody should ever grab and official (and a volenteering one at that) by the throat and threaten them.  I don't care if the call was wrong or right Andy did an incredibly bad thing and needs to take the punishment.

Already you can see the emotive arguements on the thread and as for the silly sh*t comment, well I have seen enough shouting, screaming and threatening on BMXtalk over what kind of pedals people should use to know that this thread could well go the same way.  If that is the kind of thread you want, go to BMXtalk and do it.

Who the fook am I to decide, well as a Moderator it is my job whether you like it or not.

Offline RATTY

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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2009, 02:37 PM »
Sean, what Andy did was wrong!
But lets put a few things into perspective!!!
I clumped a rider on the finish line in 1982, got a 2 race ban.
Two riders fight on the track (cant remember the facts but not 6 months)
Their seems to be 1 rule for those in favour and another for those not in favour!!

If Andy had allways been an arse then perhaps a ban was overdue, the fact is he is one of those who lives bmx, is involved in bmx and is a very valid member of the race community.
Im sorry if you feel my post is over the top???

But is it? Really??

If this had been tried in a magistrates court he would have got bound over to keep the peace or perhaps a £50 fine....
The punishment should fit the crime, not other peoples agendas
A long time ago, in a land far away!

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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2009, 04:00 PM »
Sorry Tony I don't agree, it is not the same in any way.

There is a massive difference between 2 racers having a pop and one racer squaring up and grabbing an official.  Andy may be a nice bloke etc but if he lives and breathes bmx and a valid member then maybe he should have thought about the wider implications to his actions.  Does it really set a good example for other more impressionable BMX riders? 

An official is there to be respected whatever his/her decision and no rider (or footballer/rugby player) should ever grab or assualt the official.

In rugby players have been banned for anything from 18 months to life for doing the same thing.

The only loser in this whole thing is..... BMX


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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2009, 05:27 PM »
Sorry Sean, i dont agree with you, we've had 2 elite riders square up in front of the entire community at a National and get fook all ban wise, they are both nice guys, it was heat of the moment, is that any different baring in mind impressionable children witnessed it?

The ref didnt have the balls to DQ Andy to his face because he knew he was doing other jobs at the time and maybe his eye wasn't on the ball? the fact that Andy funds an awful lot for the West Mids region and has been a major influence in Perry Park being re built and having the Worlds may have put him off of his quest for Mr Popular, the worst thing is, Andy is 1 of the nicest guys i know and had he been told 1st hand at the time this would not have reached the level it has......

It's BOLLOCKS at the end of the day, there is, as always a hidden agenda, and a genuine nice bloke has taken one up the arse sideways because BCF cant get their own house in order :wtf:


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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2009, 05:49 PM »
I love these threads where everyone gets involved but no-one fully knows the facts, just hearsay and speculation

I was there that day and saw the move on the track but didnt see the confrontation between the head ref and Andy ( I have spoke to both Andy and the ref since though and several witnesses)

I dont think airing it on here or Talk is the way forward as prosective new riders/families check out these forums and stuff like this could put off potential riders.

Hopefully Andy and Harry will be at Bulwell tomorrow as Harry is gonna be really affected by this too and I know he loves his BMX


« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 05:57 PM by dingobmxer »

Offline stidds

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Re: Andy Restall and the ridiculous BCF Ban
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2009, 06:09 PM »

I dont think airing it on here or Talk is the way forward as prosective new riders/families check out these forums and stuff like this could put off potential riders.


Which was my point in locking it in the 1st place Mark, but Joe decided that us wimpy, nerdy Mods were over Policing the site.

So fook it, it is a crap thread and will be locked and forgotten, now the 'racers' can go back to argueing about clips/non clips.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 07:54 PM by Stidds »

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