hello all,
well it would appear that our 'lovely' local council has decided to give Banbury a 2nd skatepark.. good news?
nope, its going to be on a pretty rough estate, infact smack bang in the middle of roughest part!
from the drawings its a simple small little concret setup, so really not worth the risk of riding it..
well thats ok because we still have our old park? right?
maybe for a short time we do, the general state of our park is poor, the ramps are breaking up etc, but the council are showing no interest in maintaining or fixing any of it! its been called an eyesore etc, so I think we can all see where there hoping to take this..
so together with a few lads a Facebook forum has been setup.
http://www.facebook.com/#/group.php?gid=157675245428&ref=mfwe have a meeting with the local council coming up, we hoping to show them that Spiceball skatepark has a massive following! and, that its a vital youth facility..
please go sigh up! just your name on there will help
