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Author Topic: pet hates about bmx  (Read 3586 times)

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Offline Swivel

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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2009, 11:24 AM »
Having no one local to ride with  :(

Me neither bob  :(

My other pet hate is my older brother and some of my mates, they just don't see why I want to build up these bikes and have them on show, or even ride them! I'm sure they reckon I haven't grown up yet and that fooking annoys me  >:(
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 11:33 AM by Swivel »

Offline oldtired

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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2009, 11:49 AM »
hearing the ns kids shout wow when i table  top a little jump( which is cool )but  the next sentence being can you do a double frame whip or a backflip, ffs  "ere? no sorry dude  and i'm not interested in learning"  its at that point they stop talking to you, that sort o bugs me , its nice when you can push someone to learn a new trick , i'll teach you how to table top, i get just as stoked watching you pull of a new trick as i do when i do a new one,  "fookin weirdo" is the useuall responce  :LolLolLolLol: i gues they all want to be on xgames , no ability to just ride how they want without fitting the latest fasion, i think its more disapointing than annoying , suppose that perspective comes with age,    frayed brake cable stuck in you finger   :tickedoff:  :tickedoff:  :tickedoff:  :tickedoff:  :LolLolLolLol:
« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 10:45 PM by oldtired »

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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2009, 11:52 AM »
rubbish chrome on wheels,im sure they use tin foil now.

Offline Redline

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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2009, 05:11 PM »
I hate the fact that in 1985 aged 18 I gave up riding because it was considered socially unacceptable and childish to be riding a "kiddie bike"..... yet nowadays people don't say shit about riders in their thirties etc.
Would have stayed with it if only 1 of my buddies had kept riding.... but they all stopped  :(  .... more fool me  :(

oh I hate some of the young riders today slaggin off old school cos they think it looks easy and crap..... it fookin wasn't back then... like everythin else the sport has evolved thats all  :tickedoff:

Offline meticulous

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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2009, 05:38 PM »
I hate the fact that in 1985 aged 18 I gave up riding because it was considered socially unacceptable and childish to be riding a "kiddie bike"..... yet nowadays people don't say shit about riders in their thirties etc.
Would have stayed with it if only 1 of my buddies had kept riding.... but they all stopped  :(  .... more fool me  :(

oh I hate some of the young riders today slaggin off old school cos they think it looks easy and crap..... it fookin wasn't back then... like everythin else the sport has evolved thats all  :tickedoff:

exactly john, all i got at school was 'all you ever talk about is bmx' or 'bmx's again'..... fookin p1ssed me off, ' SO WHAT!!!!   ITS MY HOBBY/SPORT/LOVE'  or whatever, you were seen to be 'STILL' riding little bikes made for 12 year olds'....   it used to bother me then...  now i just dont give a fook....   just wish it didnt then.....
« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 09:04 PM by meticus »
R.I.P  O.M. Far short of the finish line...


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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #30 on: November 08, 2009, 11:24 AM »
 :) Freestyle riders who come to our track & refer to the jumps as ramps,slag my bike off for having no pegs or gyro (it`s a racebike FFS) Not to mention MTBers who bitch that we should build a 4X track for them and that they can`t get any air on their 250lb bouncy bikes...


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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2009, 11:51 AM »
Getting Injured.


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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2009, 03:51 PM »


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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2009, 05:52 PM »
Arrogance of younger riders!

I hate the sh1t attitudes of some ( not all ) of the younger riders...

I hate the way they snake constantly even when they see you about to drop in...  >:(

I hate every rider trying to look & dress the same...

I hate seeing every rider trying to learn the same tricks as everyone else, in the same way... no originality! 

I hate newskool 'No handers'... ( half bent over bars, arms stretched down to the feet? wtf is that about? )  ???

I hate the way younger riders think 'Style' is a trick you can learn...

I hate kids asking me can I do whips or backflips... ( but probably only because I cant! )  ???

I hate that in an entire park, ppl choose to learn footjams on the jumpbox that I wanna ride...

I hate bladers... met only 2 bladers since I've been riding again that wasnt  horrible B@stards!

I hate the way a certain park herds 100's of kids in that have never rode before & leaves them to run wild...

But luckily... the things I hate are heavily out numbered by the things I love about BMX!  :smitten:

*One other thing... I HATE the fact that certain ppl who BITD used to try'n tell me I was too old for bmx...
now tell me I should have never givin up!!*

« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 09:01 AM by DaveMc. »


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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #34 on: November 08, 2009, 07:07 PM »

"I hate every rider trying to look & dress the same...

I hate seeing every rider trying to learn the same tricks as everyone else, in the same way... no originality! 

I hate newskool 'No handers'... ( half bent over bars, arms stretched down to the feet? wtf is that about? ) 

I hate the way younger riders think 'Style' is a trick you can learn...

I hate kids asking me can I do whips or backflips... ( but probably only because I cant! )  "

all of the above..

The main thing that niggles me.  most good young riders that I see or know have great bike skills, but as stated above seem to use that ability to follow the crowd,  not pushing and devloping their own tricks/combo's etc..


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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #35 on: November 08, 2009, 07:16 PM »
Just got to say it but i spent my early years trying to imitate my influences (leary, hill, judge, miranda etc) its only natural as you havent developed much originality at 12-13.
I never managed to actually do it though, and still cant.

And thats my pet hate, im crap  :-[


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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #36 on: November 08, 2009, 07:37 PM »
just to please those who expect: I hate fly by night companys with tin foil frames and life time warranties.

I'm kidding, I just love doing the one or two tricks i know, I enjoy my bike, it's a way better bike that i need for my skills but i fricking love it.

i love it all

and i love you all, every god damn one of you!  :-*

Offline rollin72

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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #37 on: November 08, 2009, 08:59 PM »
not having enough time to get out on my bike because of work

Offline dirtyvans

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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #38 on: November 08, 2009, 10:39 PM »
i dont really care what other riders are doing or what they look like, tight jeans cant be much worse than 80's pink gotcha tshirts and fluro shorts! :LolLolLolLol:

i love riding vert, dirt, park, street,  i'll have a nibble at each, i guess the only thing i hate is not being able to decide what to ride

Offline superbikedan

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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #39 on: November 08, 2009, 10:56 PM »

"I hate every rider trying to look & dress the same...

I hate seeing every rider trying to learn the same tricks as everyone else, in the same way... no originality! 

I hate newskool 'No handers'... ( half bent over bars, arms stretched down to the feet? wtf is that about? ) 

I hate the way younger riders think 'Style' is a trick you can learn...

I hate kids asking me can I do whips or backflips... ( but probably only because I cant! )  "

all of the above..

The main thing that niggles me.  most good young riders that I see or know have great bike skills, but as stated above seem to use that ability to follow the crowd,  not pushing and devloping their own tricks/combo's etc..

this has always been my argument, i dont think many of the good young riders are good,

repetiton will always win the day, robotic tricks, style is another thing and your own style,

i honestly dont see this a lot, it's only a few that will not follow the norm these days :daumenhoch:
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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #40 on: November 09, 2009, 08:01 PM »
A big pet hate abbout BMX and me is I wish I'd been riding in the 90's and not had such a big break in riding

from late 81 to 87 ,,,,,Wilderness ,,,,,,,, feb 2006 to present

Another is now that, even  without a decent slam ,, I can still hurt myself  for weeks of pain,,,

being old sucks  >:(

Thats me more or less. 80 to 83... then  stopped doing something I enjoyed because I was heading out of my teens. I found something that kept me riding called mountain biking, but it was never the same. Got married, had kids etc bla bla bla, then in Oct 2008 met all my old mates through shear chance who were getting back into BMX again. Spent all winter with them building jumps and eventually got myself a 24" cruiser and  (as the saying goes... you never forget how to ride a bike) instantly started jumping again. A few days later and on a stupid silly set of doubles 1 foot high and a gap of 2 foot............................... Slam. In agony for a week, couldnt ride couldnt dig, never went to the docs, but it must have been ligament and not broken, but 6 months later, I still cant put my shoulder in certain positions because it hurts. If that had happened 25 years ago Id have been riding the next day. Now though and with the responsability of a wife, Kids and a meal to put on the table, its a big risk if I had another slam.

When I was 16+ I thought I was invincible. Now im 44 ive realised i'm not....... Thats what I hate now about BMX.


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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #41 on: November 12, 2009, 08:41 PM »
i got another one ! .... bending pedals ... after tuckin down a fookin 4set !!!



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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2009, 11:39 PM »
aint u a lucky muggy c**t :D :LolLolLolLol:

what ones man !


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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2009, 11:53 PM »
what dk ... if you say iron cross i will love you for ever :D :LolLolLolLol: :10_2_12: :4_17_5: :tickedoff: :uglystupid2:


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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #44 on: November 13, 2009, 12:36 AM »
 :'(dont worry man ... realy after some iron cross's ...... iron cross pedals n sprocket would look fookin mad on my new frame :D >:D

Offline Haro82

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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #45 on: November 13, 2009, 09:19 AM »
sh*t I better not go to a skate park I might be dressed wrong or stand in the wrong place  :D

Offline hunterdubber

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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #46 on: November 17, 2009, 12:53 AM »
sh*t I better not go to a skate park I might be dressed wrong or stand in the wrong place  :D


I know Tarquin ,,they're not feeling the love for everyone  and a particular hatred the younger generation

If you do, go to the skatepark make sure Jeeves doesn't iron your size 8 Topshop jeans and cartoon undies  for you to wear

stick with the Aquascutum hat , Barbour coat  and Hunter wellies old bean  :daumenhoch:

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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #47 on: November 17, 2009, 07:38 AM »
sh*t I better not go to a skate park I might be dressed wrong or stand in the wrong place  :D


I know Tarquin ,,they're not feeling the love for everyone  and a particular hatred the younger generation

If you do, go to the skatepark make sure Jeeves doesn't iron your size 8 Topshop jeans and cartoon undies  for you to wear

stick with the Aquascutum hat , Barbour coat  and Hunter wellies old bean  :daumenhoch:

 ;)  Dubber went to see Ed Byrne the other night. Working class enought for ya or not  :D

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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #48 on: November 17, 2009, 11:31 PM »
Bloody hell that's a positively an uncuth evening out :shocked:
,you wasn't out with ruffian types,like that Bof chappie

I heard he's one of those worker types you know, he doesn't even have a Bentley  :-\


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Re: pet hates about bmx
« Reply #49 on: November 18, 2009, 08:30 AM »
I have no real hates...

Don't understand why the 'mature' riders and the youth don't get along...if you get attitude, bore them into submission.

I do feel sad that I didn't take any notice of BMX  BITD...being too busy with 'proper' bikes  :2funny:

I do know back then I would have been bloody quick as I was ALWAYS on a bike...

I'm sad because getting older means unreasoning fear of injury or death by 2" bunnyhop

I'm sad because I'm unfit and slow and it's hard to ride any distance...

I hate nothing about BMX...It's enjoyable and fun...what's to hate.


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