I never thought Id say that - after trying and hassling and campaigning for years to get a skatepark, which turned out to be a shitty metal one in the late 90s..., Tavistock Town Council... known for being cautious about anything BMX specific... ... last night voted YES to BMX TRAILS being built in the middle of my town. This is not a BMX track, not a little park, not an MTB course, but specific BMX trails [ dirt jumps] and pump track right in the middle of a lovely park in the centre of town.
These trails havebeen fundraised through the efforts of the Youth Cafe in Tavistock, so effectively cost the council nothing - but they have gennerously given us the land - whichis totally awesome! As owner of the local BMX shop and as a rider with all my BMX roots here, ive never been happier. We will be open at the end of the summer 2010 .. The next South West Old Fools trip will be based around the opening weekend -
Huge props go to Vicky at the yoth Cafe and the Tavi Riders group for all their hard work. ...
and the trails will be built by the benius behind Portreath's ' The Track' ..... oh yes!
Lifer BMX will be hosting the opening weekend.... hope to see you all there!
steve wilson
lifer bmx