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RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Technical & Reference Section  |  Tech and Restoration  |  anybody recognize these rims?

Author Topic: anybody recognize these rims?  (Read 523 times)

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anybody recognize these rims?
« on: October 16, 2009, 05:05 AM »
they are 48 spoke and are concave or rounded in the middle. kinda little like the old araya aero rims. they are laced to gt superlace sealed tech hubs.didn't measure them yet but just by the way they look i feel like they might be 1.5" in width and probably double wall. thinking maybe weinmann rims? a few people mentioned double walled ukai's but i'm thinking they aren't. i was thinking they were factory gt wheels when you bought a team model which would mean sun or weinmann rims but the kid is telling me he built these himself.

under all the crud and corrosion the chrome really shines like super pro's.

any help would be greatly appreciated.will post better pictures later.

RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Technical & Reference Section  |  Tech and Restoration  |  anybody recognize these rims?

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