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Re: Toys out of pram time i'm afraid
« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2009, 09:40 PM »
had him.

grippy little fooker he was too....


Offline WARDY

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Re: Toys out of pram time i'm afraid
« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2009, 09:41 PM »

yeah, lets all donate at least one OS part and have a big auction at the end of the month when we all get paid  :)

ya floval flyer ell do Matt , whens bidding start  :LolLolLolLol:

CW ???

Carl Ward ya silly monkey


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Re: Toys out of pram time i'm afraid
« Reply #27 on: October 14, 2009, 10:02 PM »
I would love to donate, honest... not much because I am stink most of the time but every bit helps ...

I would a like supporters tag to, but I have no cheque book with my account and my paypal is fecked and refuse to deal with the muppets  - can card payments not be taken, or is this that to expensive?

I realise that this maybe slighty off the thread, but I would be able to donate and make payments etc. 

Please 'pickle' kept em going, after seeing photo's of this year I was hoping to attend the next! Is there an 'signing up fee?' Or would that stop people from going?



Offline Jamroll

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Re: Toys out of pram time i'm afraid
« Reply #28 on: October 15, 2009, 11:39 AM »
The fellas at work are sly fookers, and as yet I'm struggling to get the promised sponsorship out of them , out of the 20 peeps who sponsered me only 5 have paid and the rest are saying at the moment they cant afford to cough up  :2gunsfiring_v1:
I'm sick of it too matie, but i guess it just shows that at the moment charity is starting at home  :-\
Anyway i feel bad about you having a rant so I've paid up the sponsorship in full and I'll have to get the money back as and when from the fellas at work.  :knuppel2:
Sorry for the delay man.


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Re: Toys out of pram time i'm afraid
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2009, 07:32 AM »
had him.

grippy little fooker he was too....


little?  :shocked:

Offline Philbert

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Re: Toys out of pram time i'm afraid
« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2009, 10:39 AM »
The one thing I've always wanted to do is ride lands end to john o'groats on a bmx, unfortunately I can never afford the time off work to do it or the initial outlay of the ride, fuel for back up vehicle, stuff like that! If I ever get made redundant I'm gonna go for it and I'll be calling on you lot to put me up for a night up and down the country, it would be open to volunteers if anyone els has got the minerals for it, and the charity is also chosen already


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Re: Toys out of pram time i'm afraid
« Reply #31 on: October 17, 2009, 05:20 PM »
As i said in the other thread i had lost the sponser form but now have found it and will collect all the money within the next two weeks before i go to Canada. I did buy a t shirt and i wear it to bed as its like "tent" on me.

Hope the raised money gets higher and higher.



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Re: Toys out of pram time i'm afraid
« Reply #32 on: October 18, 2009, 09:34 AM »
Well, charity certainly begins at home for my family as only my other half works and that is part time. Every month £200 is coming out of our savings just to get by - times are tough. I could sell some of my stuff of course but it's not fetching what it used too and I don't really want to as I worked bloody hard to buy it.

Rob, don't throw the towel in on this, any money raised is money the charity would not have got otherwise and will help in some way.
I did mention to a few people about a possible Manchester cruise to run alongside the London one as 'that London' is too far for a lot of the 'northern' peeps...maybe something that can happen next year?

Anyway, I'll have a T-Shirt Si (Zippy) if the money goes to the charity.

Offline Swivel

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Re: Toys out of pram time i'm afraid
« Reply #33 on: October 21, 2009, 03:21 PM »
Rob I've just read this as I've been away. After the ride i've struggled to get cash out of the 4 people that sponsored me, yes only 4 this time, fooking joke :( last year and I'm not sure whether it was cancer related (and because what my wife Lucie had gone through) I raised about £250ish, this year i've struggled to get even £80 out of people and my clients are all complaining about spare petty cash etc.. what I think is, that the cancer subject was closer to home for many more people so they paid up for that cause, which I think is a shame, as little havens deserves the support also.

So far i've collected £45, disappointing I know but if I can get that £80 mark, then i'll add more of my own money as its all for a good cause.

Regarding you throwing in the towel, don't do it mate as you always do a fantastic job, not just for the rides but at MK also and I'd like for you to continue this. I just think that this time, whether its the credit crunch or people not wanting to contribute as they felt the charity wasn't for them I just dunno. All I know is that I don't attend it for a piss up, I do it to catch up with friends and also try and raise money also, normal piss up rides I try and organise in the members events section which i'm sure you've seen. I agree £340 is terrible but it is bloody hard at times to get the money out of people that said "honestly" I'll pay you on completion...  >:(  :knuppel2:

I will say again though, stick with it Rob and keep ya chin up, you do a fab job mate, it was an excellent day out for everyone with a better route this time and great weather, really was superb  :4_17_5:

I will continue trying to extract cash from the people that sponsored me and get this paid up asap.

Matt  :daumenhoch:


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Re: Toys out of pram time i'm afraid
« Reply #34 on: October 26, 2009, 07:54 PM »

anyway, moving on. why not get someone on here to break a world record or something...Bmx related.

wheelie? endo's?

that would raise a few quid if you fancy doing something different?

I'll have a go at the front hop record, done it once before, give me a couple of weeks notice to get some practice in though.


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Re: Toys out of pram time i'm afraid
« Reply #35 on: October 26, 2009, 08:18 PM »

anyway, moving on. why not get someone on here to break a world record or something...Bmx related.

wheelie? endo's?

that would raise a few quid if you fancy doing something different?

I'll have a go at the front hop record, done it once before, give me a couple of weeks notice to get some practice in though.

How many did you get?


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Re: Toys out of pram time i'm afraid
« Reply #36 on: October 26, 2009, 08:23 PM »
Did it back in 1985 during a show, did about 350 something i think?? dont know what it is now but i'd have a go at it to raise money and set a record, be a laugh.

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