My mate Craig came over from the Uk to visit recently, so we took the opportunity to head down to the skatepark. Only one problem. i only have 1 new school bike, so i had to take my Haro sport, hoping he woudn't scratch it. I had a go on it myself for the first time. I can't believe how horrible it felt. it was like riding my granny (or her bike).
still. we had the ribs smoking on the BBQ all afternoon, so they were ready when we got back home- along with the beers in the fridge. great day.

Craig in front of the fullpipe

me getting a bit of air. I hadn't been out on my bike for months, so Iwas pretty chuffed with this effort..anything over the coping is a win.

local old school rider Damian Schinella

Craig surfing- some of the youngsters had never seen this


time for a pint