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Author Topic: Bike Maintenance PDF  (Read 1629 times)

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Bike Maintenance PDF
« on: March 10, 2006, 09:34 PM »
Hi I found this on a torrent site and thought it might come in handy. It's just under 700 pages and covers everything from basic mechanical skills, to wheel building & truing through to hydraulic brakes and suspension. There's 2 download links but the files are exactly the same, I prefer Rapidshare myself and find it faster but some people might have trouble with it. If you want it hosted elsewhere let me know and I'll sort it out.

The file is around 11mb and you will need something like Winzip to extract it and Adobe Acrobat or another pdf viewer to read it. I've also made a quick contents page with links that will take you to the first page in that chapter (the home key on your keyboard will take you back to the contents).

To download from rapidshare click the link below and on the next page scroll down and press the free button. On the next page scroll down and just above the bit where it has options to pay for rapidshare access it should have a timer counting down asking you to wait. When this timer reaches zero a 3 figure code will appear, enter that in the box next to it and click the download button and it should start. If you see anything different to this it's probably something to do with the IP address from your ISP so try the filefront link.

To download from filefront click the orange download now button, choose a server and click the download link and your download should start. I find filefront can be very slow at times.;4866825;;/fileinfo.html

If you haven't got Winzip or Acrobat installed on your PC you can download the free versions from, just do a search there for them.  ;)

Hope it's of some use, any problems just holler  :daumenhoch:

RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Technical & Reference Section  |  Tech and Restoration  |  Bike Maintenance PDF

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