ok this is what happened this year.we spent more than we should on trophies and ended up just £16 left over.we had thought we might make enough to buy a much needed new compressor for next season.
we now need to put on a race to generate the money to buy the new compressor..thing is we cant afford to buy trophies out of the registration money and get the new compressor.
So i am asking if anyone may like to sponsor the autumn open trophies.the cost would be £175.this covers all 11 classes.for your money you would get your companys name on the trophies and the honour of presenting them.tony would see you get mentioned in the local press release fastlane report.
as many of you know we charge the least but give the biggest trophies out in the country.no other club comes close to us for value for money.we dont even charge to park.many radders in the past have dug deep (esp billstup) and i hope someone out there will feel generous in these tight financial times.please pm me if you would like to help us out.
justin esson.