this is my bmx that i ride to work each day:

it was bought for me for my 29th, it got me back into riding bikes. it's a diamondback session 2009
i've ridden it round Brixton bmx track and since bought a cruiser to race with.
the only problem is that it seems to weigh a ton, is knackering to ride for any length of time and generally makes me look even more of an old git than i currently am

i'm wondering what i can do (on a budget) to get the weight down, get it a bit more responsive and zippy and handle the odd run round a bmx track.
the gearing on it is about 45/46 : 16/17 and i'm finding it quite tough to accelerate on (compared to my cruiser that is geared 40:16)
any tips/suggestions, i want the ride i get to be as enjoyable as i can get it to be without spending mega bucks.