I've been looking for a cheap frame/fork set as I'm going to centreparcs next month. Got loads of bike bits knocking about, So just really needed a frame set. Looking on Gumtree the other night and saw a advert for a Standard frame with other bits. Sent a question, But got no answer, So thought it had sold. Then I saw it on ebay, Asked if he would sell for the price he had listed on Gumtree and he said yes

. Popped round there and collected it as only 15 mins away. Ended up buying his Standard forks aswell. So Standard frame/forks Profile bottom bracket, Chris King headset, Kink seat post clamp, seat post and GT seat, Ground down Odyssey Evolver all for £100. Sold the headset for £40. So this little lot stands me in at £60, Cheap as chips. There is a few dents, worse one on the Down tube and the rear drop outs have been modified

It will probably get a lick of paint with rattle cans, Get the wife to make up some Standard decals and enjoy riding it. Got some S&M tyres off ebay to go on, rest of the parts I have in the shed.