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Author Topic: its a shame....  (Read 2032 times)

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Offline Swivel

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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2009, 10:37 PM »
I'm now totally focusing my efforts on Haro, after all, that's what got me into building in the 1st place as the master was my ultimate bike. So i'm getting some together for show and also to ride, then riding them will really make this hobby more real instead of me looking at them all the time in my office  :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 08:38 AM by Swivel »

Offline thebigdog

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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2009, 10:38 PM »
For those reasons I've decided to build bikes I rode, spec'd the same as what I can remember or what I can see in those grainy, out of focus pics either my OM or friends took. In many ways it's become much more of a challenge than just putting together bikes with the best minty/NOS bits I can find or afford. That way when I look at 'em they mean a great deal more to me and the hunt is even sweeter.

Its a downward slope after you have built that bike though. Nothing else will get close to it and you start to wonder why you are bothering building anything else

Offline meticulous

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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2009, 10:41 PM »
If I'd have known it was a BMX night I wouldn;t have bothered  :yahoo_silent:

Diggler promised me it was Blackpool Dogginfestjam 09 for steers and queers and said DB paul was gimpin' it up  in his cage  :yahoo_silent:

just teasing....    :LolLolLolLol:
R.I.P  O.M. Far short of the finish line...

Offline hunterdubber

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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #28 on: July 16, 2009, 10:46 PM »
There is a lot of negativity and confusion  on this site at the mo  :(

Not between members , thank fook , but for what direction to go ,,

Last year I had time time out from September till around January ,, it did me good  :) :) :)
 I felt  all BMX'ed up and had put too many other important things on the burner
( Burner,,, get it ?? ,,nevermind   )

I came back interested and eager to get back into the fold and be part of the scene again  :smitten:


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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2009, 08:24 AM »
Maybe a mass swap for you mate,get a new F+F and off you go again.

Ive been steadily building my stash over the lest 5 years,with no real direction as ive never built a show pony up so never new what I needed.All I built was riders and loved it,but never touched all my NOS stuff.I bought my dream F+F last year (JMC DY) and put it straight in the loft.I was going to make it my show piece so to speak but then thought I never rode one BITD so whats the point in building a bike I would never ride.

Now I have emmigrated so the bloody stuff is just sat there doing nothing.All I have left built up is my Tange Rhino,the rest will be there when im next living in the UK.

Anyhow im off to the pool,its climbing into the 40's and its our weekend,see lifes not all that bad. :daumenhoch:

Offline markyp

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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2009, 02:07 PM »
i only got back in to this game last july after a 23 year lay off from bmx.i built 3 bikes in the first 9 months and when the third one was finished(which was gonna be my last)the fun was gone,it seems like all the fun is in the building and sourcing parts.the "what am i gonna do now" thing was driving me up the wall,im not a rider these days and my bikes are show ponies on display around my house so the only thing to do was to build another!!im quickly relising that until youve had enough of this game totally then you just keep on like to think that when im done and bmx no longer interests me that my bikes will be put up in the loft and never ever sold so that on the odd occasion that i go up in the loft(christmas to get the trimmings)the bikes will at least put a big smile on my face and make me relise that all the money and time spent on them was indeed worth it and that i have something special from my child hood still with me.
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Offline beard1973

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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #31 on: July 17, 2009, 02:56 PM »
I know there are guys on here who have been collecting for many years more than me... I've been buying and restoring for the past 5 years.

Only once can I think of a time when I have though... stuff all this!!! and that was more down to a particular idiot on another site rather than falling out of love with BMX.

The sourcing, restoring and building is obviously a thrill... as is the presentation of the finished bikes on here and at various events throughout the country.

I've let bikes go that I loved, just in order to finance something either better or different..

I have loved this hobby since stumbling back into it after a long break from owning a BMX... add to that my new found love of racing OLD SKOOL and I couldn't be happier.

I am just happy to be involved in some small way in the sport of BMX... long may it continue.



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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #32 on: July 17, 2009, 03:14 PM »
Its was a great hobby for me. Was expensive when I got into it but it was worth every penny when I was collecting.

I wasnt one of the lucky ones who bought cheap 5 years ago. Ive  lost a few thousand selling stuff at a loss but shit happens. Post office trips drove me around the bend.

Sam Meticus sums it up in the first post. Its a shame when they just sit there gathering dust and how many builds actually mean something? How many bikes did I build just to have one of each make! Madness considering they were 1k a piece on average.

I decided to keep just the one bike but I have decided to sell that too now. Why i dont know? Maybe the love has gone. For me anyway.

I wish I started collecting now though as the prices are cheap and its fill ya boots time if you can afford it. ;)


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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #33 on: July 17, 2009, 03:42 PM »
If I'd have known it was a BMX night I wouldn;t have bothered  :yahoo_silent:

Diggler promised me it was Blackpool Dogginfestjam 09 for steers and queers and said DB paul was gimpin' it up  in his cage  :yahoo_silent:

I wondered why you had PMd me about sleeping in my tent Dubber Do, have to warn you though there's only one way in and no way out  :-*

Offline Jt

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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #34 on: July 17, 2009, 03:53 PM »
If I'd have known it was a BMX night I wouldn;t have bothered  :yahoo_silent:

Diggler promised me it was Blackpool Dogginfestjam 09 for steers and queers and said DB paul was gimpin' it up  in his cage  :yahoo_silent:

I wondered why you had PMd me about sleeping in my tent Dubber Do, have to warn you though there's only one way in and no way out  :-*

that moustache is fooling no one...and neither is that smile.

plenty of lube boys...Buzz is in town.


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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #35 on: July 17, 2009, 04:08 PM »
 :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:

You only shied away cos i promised you a real game of naked kung foo, get in yer speed machine Sun ya jesse

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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #36 on: July 17, 2009, 04:28 PM »
am busy, and its raining.

if it stops raining, i'll set off on tuesday in the delorean.

Offline hunterdubber

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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #37 on: July 17, 2009, 07:34 PM »

Maybe the love has gone. For me anyway.

Are you on a negative post crusade , Nick  :D

Right we all get the message , I don't get it though ,  :-\
 you lost all interest supposedly ,
 glad to be out of it all ,
realised now that you're so much better off that you've got rid of your builds as they're a waste of time and money , etc , etc

but you are still on here everyday and actively posting , why  :idiot2:

Seems a bit hypocritical , you still need your fix and will probably be back buying again  ::)


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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #38 on: July 18, 2009, 08:07 AM »

Maybe the love has gone. For me anyway.

Are you on a negative post crusade , Nick  :D

Right we all get the message , I don't get it though ,  :-\
 you lost all interest supposedly ,
 glad to be out of it all ,
realised now that you're so much better off that you've got rid of your builds as they're a waste of time and money , etc , etc

but you are still on here everyday and actively posting , why  :idiot2:

Seems a bit hypocritical , you still need your fix and will probably be back buying again  ::)

I was never a rider just a collector.

 Now i dont collect doesnt mean that I dont have any interest in os bmx. Thats why i post and visit the site.

Now that i dont collect doesnt mean that i wont start collecting again one day.

All i am saying is that i lost interest in collecting as it was addictive and took up all of my time.

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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #39 on: July 21, 2009, 07:00 PM »
Wow, this is such a familiar feeling...... and I heard it a lot at MK this weekend as well.

I've built everything (except for a GT Pro Performer - hand your over DB250F!) that I wanted, really enjoyed doing it but rode every bike as I rode back in the day. I got over-confident and had a fall which made me realise I'm not 13 anymore, but I still got back on my bike and rode. I'm also lucky that my brother still enjoys riding his bikes and so we try and go for a spin every now and then to blast the cobwebs away.

I now have just 6 bikes left and in them I have my ultimate favourite bike I always wanted from BITD in my Pro-Class and haven't ridden it yet but I will do. I've built a matching Pro-Class styled Minigoose for my daughter for when she's big enough and then we will both ride them, so they're both show-bikes until then. Everything else I ride - my Haros when I fancy a few tricks and my Team Mongoose when I fancy riding round a track. My Ammaco is a bit too short to ride really but my mate's kids ride it and it was a birthday present so is not ever for sale. So nothing is wasted and I can justify to myself keeping the final six bikes.

I just hope we all meet up next year at MK and enjoy ourselves again as it's not something serious, I just enjoy riding BMX. :daumenhoch:

Still limping......

Offline thebigdog

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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #40 on: July 21, 2009, 07:13 PM »
I only have 3 now and 1 of those is for sale. Sold the rest of my bikes and boxes of parts over the last 6 months as they did not really do anything for me. I don't miss any of them and i'm £13000 richer  :)

The Green GT and my missus's Dyno Compe will never get sold though.

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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #41 on: July 21, 2009, 09:14 PM »
Wow, this is such a familiar feeling...... and I heard it a lot at MK this weekend as well.

I've built everything (except for a GT Pro Performer - hand your over DB250F!) that I wanted, really enjoyed doing it but rode every bike as I rode back in the day. I got over-confident and had a fall which made me realise I'm not 13 anymore, but I still got back on my bike and rode. I'm also lucky that my brother still enjoys riding his bikes and so we try and go for a spin every now and then to blast the cobwebs away.

I now have just 6 bikes left and in them I have my ultimate favourite bike I always wanted from BITD in my Pro-Class and haven't ridden it yet but I will do. I've built a matching Pro-Class styled Minigoose for my daughter for when she's big enough and then we will both ride them, so they're both show-bikes until then. Everything else I ride - my Haros when I fancy a few tricks and my Team Mongoose when I fancy riding round a track. My Ammaco is a bit too short to ride really but my mate's kids ride it and it was a birthday present so is not ever for sale. So nothing is wasted and I can justify to myself keeping the final six bikes.

I just hope we all meet up next year at MK and enjoy ourselves again as it's not something serious, I just enjoy riding BMX. :daumenhoch:


well balanced look at it...

just bought a new gaff, so will have more room to display and fiddle with my bikes, am thinking about stripping 4 of the 8 i have and redoing them, for the craic, and then getting myself a cruiser...

daft habit to have really, hard to explain, but i dont want to give it up just yet...

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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #42 on: July 21, 2009, 09:47 PM »
heres my take again lol

If simply having a nice bike is not enough then eventually your going to get bored , as its impossible to keep chasing the buzz in constantly buying parts
if your bored then have time out let collecting old bmx become something you do not something that does you

I do notice a quick gratification style of collecting is never sustainable and parts that are hard to get take time to source. If a bike takes years to get,so what ? you got the rest of your life lol


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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #43 on: July 21, 2009, 09:53 PM »
good time to start searching for bits and bobs over the pond again as well...

exchange rates are getting bearable again :daumenhoch:


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Re: its a shame....
« Reply #44 on: July 21, 2009, 09:58 PM »
heres my take again lol

If simply having a nice bike is not enough then eventually your going to get bored , as its impossible to keep chasing the buzz in constantly buying parts
if your bored then have time out let collecting old bmx become something you do not something that does you

I do notice a quick gratification style of collecting is never sustainable and parts that are hard to get take time to source. If a bike takes years to get,so what ? you got the rest of your life lol


 :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:

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