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Author Topic: A lot of people are selling up their collections - why? If it's not to personal.  (Read 1896 times)

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mark 2

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There seems to be a lot of people selling up and sacking off their old school bmx collections - I know a lot of your personal circumstances may be affected through the "credit crunch" but other that that if it's not too nosey a question why are you jumping ship? I sometimes think about it and go through phases of "can't be arsed" any more but I reckon it'd break my heart to lose some of them. Are you all just getting bored, can't be bothered with the expense or fulfilled some of your childhood dreams.....I'm curious.....

And if you got anything good lmk :LolLolLolLol:

Offline meticulous

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i think the initial frenzied bubble has burst, and some peeps just losing a bit of interest..... :)
R.I.P  O.M. Far short of the finish line...

Offline Swivel

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I've noticed that too Mark... i'm curious to find out also  ::)

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in the past i've thought about selling up and moving on....but of all people it was the Mrs who stopped me!  she simply knew that after about 2 months i'd want them all back again and it would cost a fortune (well not to much for my rubbish bikes)  :LolLolLolLol:

thinking of seeling my new school bike though as i don't ride it much, i'm rubbish and it's to good to just sit in the garage.....although the Mrs would still want me to keep it.

i guess like you say, some people may have fallen on some tough times with the crunch........but once MK has come along you see how the frenzie picks up again  :daumenhoch:

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a lot of it is money as i used to buy loads of stuff and these days i sell more than i buy due to no money . also time helps as don`t have that so project`s will go i`m afraid
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I sold up purely as it was getting on top of me. Became obsessed. Bought bikes for the sake of it and I can assure you I still would be collecting now if I didnt stop. It was all I was talking about when I went out with mates!

I dont miss them at all really. I thoroughly enjoyed collecting though. I prefer unearthing old bikes out of peoples sheds than buying used bikes on ebay. More of a buzz.

Offline meticulous

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I sold up purely as it was getting on top of me. Became obsessed. Bought bikes for the sake of it and I can assure you I still would be collecting now if I didnt stop. It was all I was talking about when I went out with mates!

I dont miss them at all really. I thoroughly enjoyed collecting though. I prefer unearthing old bikes out of peoples sheds than buying used bikes on ebay. More of a buzz.

shame that nick, because you had one of the best collections....  :'(
R.I.P  O.M. Far short of the finish line...


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Thanks.  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Oh well. If i want to start again I can so we will see.

No rush. :)

My wife is happy to have me back on planet home rather than plonked on the sofa on rad. ;D

Offline Waxintaxin

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Same as every hobby , people come and people go , they get popular they die off and numbers fall. sometimes they rise again when the hobby gets more fashionable again sometimes they dont , all hobbys go through it

to name a few
there will always be a core of collectors who will never stop as they have found the hobby that will see them through till they die. some peole are merely here for the short term and will drift into something else maybe that one will be a keeper for them , maybe not

I guess all expensive hobbys have taken a hit this year and will revive when people have the disposible income again.


Offline oberonspacefruit

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Theres always been a core of collectors. If you stick around long enough, you see this kind of question come up every couple of years. The people that do it are usually the ones who dont stick around more than a year or two, and dont see the cyclical nature of things.
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I guess all expensive hobbys have taken a hit this year and will revive when people have the disposible income again

key statement i'd say.

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I've sold up 2 or 3 times over the last 10 years, but I'm still here and now I'm able to control my spending (to a certain extent) I buy only what I need for a project or what I can afford.

I wish that I had had the self control to do this at the beginning when prices were much lower - but that hindsight for you.

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Well I sold the majority of my bikes/parts as I needed the money to buy my ex's equity of our house (still going through and a nightmare) I still have a couple of bikes that I want to keep but I may end up selling them if money becomes tight. If my financial circumstances were different I'd still be buying and collecting, I still love the hobby and now only get my fix from making stickers for them lol

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I had a spell about 2 months ago where I had enough, I think it was due to so many projects and too many parts scattered about. This has now changed, i'm still building 4 bikes though lol and intend to finish them sometime soon (may need someones help though!? if you're up for that, get in touch...). Otherwise my interest in the sport and collecting hasn't gone, I'm always searching for another Haro or a bargain, but I will have to kerb it a bit with the sprog here in 2 weeks. In the end I want a collection I can look at in my office, and that be a talking point for my clients and also have a couple of new school riders (one I'm using already), then if I achieve that soon, i'll be happy. Although, I do still have 1 GT in my loft begging to be built, someday perhaps lol.


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 I prefer unearthing old bikes out of peoples sheds than buying used bikes on ebay. More of a buzz.
Ya thieving b@stard  :LolLolLolLol:

mental note to myself : must remember to lock my shed  :coolsmiley:

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I have pretty much had enough. The 3rd bike I built was the one I really wanted and I have still got it and will never sell it. Have had about 50 bikes since and some have been nice but they just don't make me smile like my Green GT. There is not really anything left I want to build.
I have been building an 81 GT Pro for the last few months, I need a chainring and a lever to finish it and have got bored of asking and looking to be honest. I nearly stripped it last night and put it all up for sale.


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ive got to agree it can get a bit to much trying to source and afford parts for show bikes!! it can take over life a bit we had to sell a few of our collection to pay for a deposit on the new house which was heartbraking after all the hard work  :'(  now we have a few minters which dont get used!!  but the rest are ones we have picked up cheap from boot sales and out the local adds which for me is where the fun is get em cheap and have some fun on them!!!


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i,m not quitting myself just taking a back seat for a bit sold all my spare and non wanted bits i wont be using but ive no doubt i,ll be doing builds in the future but i had to much stuff hanging about cluttering me gobi says and i want a mountain bike so the bits came in handy even though i,m now going to be getting the bike on the ride to work scheme :)
ive built between 12 and 15 bikes in the last year and a half.i have still got my silverfox(wont part with that its my baby)
spare stuffs all about gone now though and ive got no doubt i,ll need bits of it in the future for other builds lol ;D


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I got rid of mine once I realised that they (old school) are just rubbish compared to a modern bike to ride at a skatepark.  I still like looking at the old stuff but I'd rather ride than build. I wouldnt have mind keepin' my aero relex tho'.


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I have sold just about all my spares, and after stripping and selling my chrome Rebel Freestyler I now just have my complete TA, Quadangle and white Rebel Freestyler that I will keep and am happy they are as good as I want them to be.

I dont look for parts anymore, dont search ebay - basically cos I dont want to see anything that may tempt me.  I used to rush in from work and straight onto ebay and the for sale ads on here in case I missed a bargain, but not any more.

Now my three are complete and finished I dont have to look for parts so that keeps away from the temptation.  I may at some point buy the odd part I wish to upgrade, but then again I may just sell up and just keep one (not sure which that would be yet) or go for broke and sell the lot.

I actually feels really good.  I used to go to sleep or daydream in work planning out colour codings on bikes, or running through the parts I had coming or to sell. 

Just bought a road bike with some of the Rebel cash and enjoy getting out on that without having to worry about ruining NOS



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For me its just a case of clearing the decks a bit. I have spent the last 2 years collecting and have nothing to put any bits on now so i decided to clear out everything apart from the 4 choice bikes i have here and sell the lot and maybe i will start again maybe i will concentrate on new school. I honestly dont know but i look at all my stuff every day and cant see the point in keeping it all. Better to let somone else have the use out of it all. :daumenhoch:

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Its ineresting to note that whilst you have all sold your bits etc , someone bought them so its not as if there not selling
some as people drift off , new people find and start collecting


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Just to add, I have been through this myself with VW and Star Wars (as mentioned above).

I got into VW a few years ago, and ended up building a show winning / Performance VW magazine cover Mk 1 Golf, a Porsche rimmed Lupo and a mint, stock early Corrado.  Ended up getting out about 3 years ago after having to buy a 'normal' car for work...

I also about 15 years ago started building a sweet collection of vintage Star Wars toys.  I ended up with thousands of pounds worth of stuff, that has now been reduced down to a single original 1985 unopened Luke Stormtrooper figure. At one point I had every figure released in unopened packets, loads of vehicles/playsets again in original boxes, prototype parts and many other interesting bits.  I sold most off over the last 4 years.

Got some cool pics of the above in any one is interested in seeing?

I think I am just a natural born collector, whether its BMX, VW or old toys will always want to buy and chase something interesting.

Actually thinking about it, old school Nike and Adidas trainers and tracksuits / clothing is currently what I search the bay for so nothing changes does it?  Got some lovely deadstock trainers and stuff like Adidas Colorado track tops, Tacchini Dallas, Nike Windrunners etc.  

Anything old school does it for me.  Just love the 80's.


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Don't think I'll ever get rid of mine.I've owned bmx bikes since I got into it about 1982,never been without at least one.for me it's become part of daily life.I guess I'm in it for the long term.

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I'm in my second year of RAD and also my second year of collecting. Yes, i've had enough to be honest, i can never find the bits i need and i don't have the money for the bits i want.
The sport has screwed my body over with a few crashes, i now have scars and permanent dislocations i never had a year or so ago......BUT..... my son loves it, he loves everything about BMX and for that alone i will carry on in my search for the missing parts.

After the last build i said thats it no more, then a car boot find and a frameset given to us has sort of relit the flame that was rapidly going out. I'm doing one whilst my son is doing the other. When their done who knows what will happen.

I've thought countless times of splitting my bikes and selling them off but my hobby would then be gone.

So, will somebody sell me some Mongoose forks at MK :LolLolLolLol:
One build a year, the only way to get it right. No rushing involved.

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