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Author Topic: does my head in!!!!  (Read 1002 times)

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  • Guest does my head in!!!!
« on: July 06, 2009, 09:45 PM »
How many times have i logged on to find a part i'm after, call dib dobs or ask a question when trying to buy something, only to have the seller turn round and say he can't be arsed to send to the UK!!!!
Must be really hard filling in an extra couple of lines on the shipping forms!!!!
Or call dib dobs on something then have the seller sell to one of his mates instead, man that site really pisses me off sometimes.


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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2009, 09:48 PM »

do what i do, dont fooking go on there


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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2009, 10:10 PM »
Yeah its a joke sometimes, just missed out on some blue tuffs with alloy hubs and coaster brake for a great price because the seller could'nt be arsed to get me a shipping quote after i queried why it costs 100 dollars to send a pair of wheels had complete bikes sent over cheaper than that!!
said he did'nt want to run round getting shipping prices!!!
yeah cause its so hard logging online to get a quote from usps!!!


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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2009, 10:14 PM »
i suggest someone with a nice set of aerospeeds puts them up for sale on there at $50 ,,



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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2009, 10:19 PM »
i suggest someone with a nice set of aerospeeds puts them up for sale on there at $50 ,,

haha i like it sounds like a great idea mate
imagine them hitting the keyboard screaming dib dobsSSSSSS!!!!!! only to put pissed when ya remind them uk only haha


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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2009, 10:20 PM »
Yeah its a joke sometimes, just missed out on some blue tuffs with alloy hubs and coaster brake for a great price because the seller could'nt be arsed to get me a shipping quote after i queried why it costs 100 dollars to send a pair of wheels had complete bikes sent over cheaper than that!!
said he did'nt want to run round getting shipping prices!!!
yeah cause its so hard logging online to get a quote from usps!!!

Thats why I got a digital scale at home, I weigh my gear out  and tell them what its going to cost.  Do it for them, that way you come accross more seriously and less chance of being fooked around on your deal

not the only use for the scales glen  ;)

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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2009, 10:21 PM »
you gotta remember how huge the usa is with 100 times more potential punters than we have when selling back here,thats why they prob wont post to the uk,no need!!very frustrating i know,ive been rufused shipping too,grrrrrrrr!!still love that place tho,not as good as rad tho !:smitten:
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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2009, 01:19 AM »
I use the main 3 US sites Vintage / museum / OS-BMX but I use them fairly sparingly TBH (RAD is king  :Great_Britain: ) but I tend to use the museum purely for pics of builds and reference. Vintage I find is good sometimes for asking a question you've struggled to get an answer for because of the wider audience but I have to say that as far as a freindly cummunity vibe like RAD I don't feel either of them even begin to feel like that but I find OS-BMX has a much friendlier community feel to it, so if I'm general browsing and RAD's a bit quiet I head over there - back on topic and the reason for my post - I've also yet to have a PM back form a member on OS-BMX who hasn't been prepared to ship to the UK, so there are some decent international collectors out there who appreciate that we lads in Blighty want to buy their bits - good on ya lads :daumenhoch:
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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2009, 01:45 AM »
you cant tar all the yanks with the same brush.had a lot of stuff sent over and got some good
deals.although some of them do p**s you off with their attitude,there are plenty of halfwits
on UK ebay as well for our small country.


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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2009, 07:46 AM »
Museum is a wicked site. So much old stuff is found still in the US and its great to see peoples recent scores. Peeps on here in the UK hardly ever find survivors now.

Alot of the guys also know their stuff too with the os scene over there. No assumptions....just facts.

They are bang into their later 80's florencent stuff though over on the Museum. Not my cuppa tea but I guess their members are younger.

I think that the US have heard all of the hard luck stories when it comes to shipping here and they just dont wanna get involved.


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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2009, 09:23 AM »
Agree with you to a point mate, just get pissed off losing out on essential parts etc because they can't be arsed to fill in a shipping form to uk, amount of times i've called dib dobs on something only to see it get sold to someone else purely because i'm uk based is unreal.
It is a decent site to find rare bits but its just getting those rare bits its hit and miss for me anyway.


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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2009, 09:41 AM »
Nice don't get me wrong i've had some nice things myself the latest being a Kuwahara Exhibionist its just that i'd say attempting to buy things on there, prob have about a 50/50 record of actually completing the sale and its always because of shipping excuses if i can't, and glen as you know when you've been looking for ages and you see it only to lose out because of shipping thats when it gets frustrating to me.
Think you've seen a couple of examples where i've missed out on there


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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2009, 09:56 AM »

i never go on there, deffo never brought fook all off there, i suppose if you cant wait and need to build it yesterday then its the place to go, otherwise its a waiting game. I understand the not shipping abroad bit, to much grief if they dont receive your stuff and do a paypal claim.


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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2009, 10:10 AM »
with the things i've managed to buy never had a problem always turned up until now, payed for some chrome araya rims in april, still have'nt got them the seller is looking into it but its not looking good for me, hopefully he'll be good to his word and refund me
but that is only 1 out of about 25 items i've bought from the usa

Offline thebigdog

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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2009, 04:48 PM »
Never had a problem buying or selling on museum. If I am honest I think I now find it easier than on rad, if someone wants something over there they dib it and pay straight away. None of the "can I pay you 10p this week and the rest in October" cr&p I seem to get on here every time I sell something.

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Re: does my head in!!!!
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2009, 07:21 PM »
...never had an issue with museum or os-bmx either. The chaps I've bought stuff off have all been happy to ship to the UK and in the latest case the guy went to the PO twice to get the correct shipping cost once the bike was properly packed and then refunded me some moola cos I over paid .... :daumenhoch:

 There are of course the ponces that put "I live in the USA and will only ship to a USA address, lower 48...." - so I get them to ship to a mate in the states LOL (and they never figure it out  :2funny:) which is well worth it cos it's much cheaper buying stuff off there in most cases but you do wait longer.

...and as for dib dobs issues - seems every now and then the same issue happens here on rad - you dib dobs & still loose out to the secret pm auction going on behind the scenes. It all depends on whose on the other end of the sale - UK or USA or EU.

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