Not bought a BMX part for 2 weeks, not checked ebay for 'old bmx' for at least a week, sold off all my spares (apart from the few bits in for sale thread), and the 3 bikes I am keeping are complete.
Chrome TA, blue Quadangle and white Rebel Freestyler. Nice mix of parts, styles and colours. Always wanted a TA, always wanted a Rebel, the Quad is a kind of bonus, but other than that I am done I feel.
Ive only been around a few short years, but had great fun buying, selling, building, etc. Not enough riding but hey ho. Met lots of top peeps, and had the opportunity to learn more about BMX than I ever new existed.
I think i'll get down to MK on the Sunday for a nose, but other than that I think I am signing out. I will still be around, but certainly less so.
Cheers everyone...