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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2009, 06:58 PM »
Top job! lads :daumenhoch: thats a right lil piece of Bmx History there,cracking resto work ;) my mate had one of those bitd and he also had a complete race out fit to match,the pic on the headtube was also on the front of the halfords race shirt,saw one on ebay a couple of years ago :daumenhoch:

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2009, 07:07 PM »
Wow Andy that's quality mate I'm impressed proper old school :daumenhoch:

Great restoration, now that deserves to win a prize :4_17_5:

bodamus :)

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2009, 07:50 PM »
Wow, brings back memories, specially looking at those decals and rims :4_17_5:

I've probably mentioned loads of times  ::) I had the latter chrome/red version Turbo 20x but looking at that build, I recognise some of the parts, well done on that resto......and how many of them do you see at the end of the day, nice one :daumenhoch:

What are the rims by the way......I can't remember if they were steel, but they used to bling up something bright when using moms Mr Sheen ;D

Andy, nice one, ain't seen one built up one in 22 years....thanks dude  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2009, 07:51 PM »
Cheers guys, despite what this bike was BITD compared to what else was around at the time, i feel that this bike is a little bit special. Probably the fact that early BMX's meant so much to most of us and like a few of you have posted it does represent old school in a huge way. :coolsmiley: :coolsmiley:

Bloody small to ride though. It's tiny  :LolLolLolLol:

What are the rims by the way......I can't remember if they were steel, but they used to bling up something bright when using moms Mr Sheen ;D

Paul, they're steel CNC rims mate.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2009, 07:54 PM by Southern Andy »
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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #29 on: September 19, 2009, 08:02 PM »
look how well that frame came out, bloody good job there mate  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2009, 08:10 PM »
wow andy,that is a resto!!my mate had one of those bitd,ahhhh memories!!well done
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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #31 on: September 19, 2009, 10:02 PM »
Top job that lads on first looking at the heap of scrap you got I thought why the hell would somebody restore that but on looking at the finished product it was well worth the effort as it's a proper bit of UK BMX history which I think all of us (even if we wouldn't admit it in public) can relate to  :4_17_5:
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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #32 on: September 19, 2009, 11:04 PM »
Thats a proper bmx. I mean, Halfords were early into BMX, and were flogging these, and putting full page adverts in bike mags, before most bike shops ever stocked any bmx products, and this bike must predate a burner by at least 18 months!

A mate got one of these.   From memory, I have a feeling from the frame, that Halfords may have had the bikes built for them by B&H the large spanish manufacturer.

They were less than £100, and whn you consider that SR 3pc crank was £15 + of the value of the whole bike, then with decent pedals and a SR stem, and weinman brakes,  the parts were pretty spectacular for a sub £100. Compare to our friend the Pirhana, with its British Rail spec mag allyo wheels and mild steel 1pc, for the same cash, and Halfords must have made no profit on these.

Oh and from memory, I dont think the originals had CMC steel wheels, I think the wheels were pretty special too for the budget - not arayas, but either Weinmann, or (and don't quote me on this) but Ambrosio alloys. (Certaily you could also buy Ambrosio alloys laced up to hubs who's spec I forget at Halfords and they looked identical - I spent hours in Halfords, me... ).  I think the annodised finish of the Turbo wheels was a bit less "shiney red" than those.   

I had the most expensive bike in the neighbourhood with a silver streak, and this was much more typical of BMX in 1980, than most. 

An impressive resto.  Now, if only I could find a Pirhana to restore, I wouldn't need to work out with weights at the gym so much....

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2009, 12:08 AM »
Great resto Andy  :daumenhoch:

Glad I was able to help - think the wheels look just right on her  :coolsmiley:

Top work and nice that you could involve Reese too  :daumenhoch:

Any chance of that F%*@ing goose like  ::) 

mongoositis - an expensive disease......

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #34 on: September 20, 2009, 07:27 AM »
Nice resto there Andy; you're lad is getting good at these - first the Falcon and now this  :4_17_5:

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #35 on: September 20, 2009, 08:31 AM »

Oh and from memory, I dont think the originals had CMC steel wheels, I think the wheels were pretty special too for the budget - not arayas, but either Weinmann, or (and don't quote me on this) but Ambrosio alloys. (Certaily you could also buy Ambrosio alloys laced up to hubs who's spec I forget at Halfords and they looked identical - I spent hours in Halfords, me... ).  I think the annodised finish of the Turbo wheels was a bit less "shiney red" than those.   

Wow, nice reply juju  :4_17_5:  Loads of quality info there mate about these bikes. Thanks very much.

When we were given the original piece of Metal  :LolLolLolLol: it never came with any wheels on it. We were also stumped with original information as to what was standard on this bike and we could only work from the odd photo that i googled.
When Bobafett put his wheels up for sale i ummed and arred about them, plenty of PM's later to John  :2funny: :2funny: we arranged a deal for me to collect them at MK this year. Not a single set of red wheels and tyres have come up for sale since and i'm now grateful we bought these off of John.

Like i said mate, many thanks for your superb input in to these, i've got far more from your one post than i have in the last 4 months of googling. :4_17_5:  :LolLolLolLol:

EDIT>>>>> Oh yeah we are aware the pads are wrong aswell and we tried an original set over Phils (Sawzall) yesterday but the blank red just suited the bike better than the Halfords worded ones. If we can ever find a cheap set then i'll do my best to purchase them for the bike. :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: September 20, 2009, 08:34 AM by Southern Andy »
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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #36 on: September 20, 2009, 08:42 AM »

Any chance of that F%*@ing goose like  ::) 

What this John  ::) ::)

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #37 on: September 20, 2009, 09:22 PM »
mongoositis - an expensive disease......

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #38 on: September 20, 2009, 10:38 PM »
Great bit of resto work there  :daumenhoch:   You have passed with flying colours  Reece , I bet Andy is well proud of you  :4_17_5:

Has he let you ride it yet  ???

What's the next project Reece ?  ( Whatever it is,  it will probably be done before that bloody mongoose  :D   :LolLolLolLol: )

Keep up the good work lads  :daumenhoch:
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oldschool rider

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #39 on: September 20, 2009, 11:28 PM »

IMO the best build in here coz it was my fist bike, althought the build is fantastic the cranks should be red SR or Sakae can't remember now and the rims were cmc all annodised red, also the padset was a nie red leatherette fabric  :4_17_5:

sorry the pic is not better for the headtube sticker but it's all I have.

Steve :daumenhoch:


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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #40 on: September 20, 2009, 11:36 PM »
when i got my first bike a blue burner my little brother got a mini one of these,i used to ride it more than the burner,we was chatting bout bikes the other day when i told him i was getting back into it,and we knew it was a halfords bike but couldnt remember what its full name was thanks mate.i must try and get him one as a pressie for a laugh be great for his 35th birthday or maybe even xmas make it proper like old times.

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #41 on: September 21, 2009, 02:00 PM »

although the build is fantastic the cranks should be red SR or Sakae can't remember now and the rims were cmc all annodised red, also the padset was a nice red leatherette fabric  :4_17_5:

sorry the pic is not better for the headtube sticker but it's all I have.

Hi Steve, these cranks were red mate as you could still see all the red on the rear of them and in some of the recessed bits, i obviously had to get a new drive arm as the square for the axle had completely worn away on the crank but i oven prided the other as it needed doing mate.

when i got my first bike a blue burner my little brother got a mini one of these,i used to ride it more than the burner,we was chatting bout bikes the other day when i told him i was getting back into it,and we knew it was a halfords bike but couldnt remember what its full name was thanks mate.i must try and get him one as a pressie for a laugh be great for his 35th birthday or maybe even xmas make it proper like old times.

Good luck with that mate, i would have had a mini aswell a few weeks back if i hadn't been chatting on the phone to Sawzall on here. :tickedoff: :tickedoff:  My fault, i forgot the Mini Turbo i had been watching for a week ended, if memory serves me correctly it went for a poultry £16.
The seller sent me pictures of it and that is where the picture of the headtube sticker have come from. I would have loved to of had both together for a photo shot.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 02:06 PM by Southern Andy »
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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #42 on: September 21, 2009, 06:42 PM »
Fantastic Job Andy - well done  :4_17_5:

That picture you have there is one of my Halfords Turbo (my first BMX) - it was a POS  :LolLolLolLol:  but I didn't know any different and I didn't care, I loved it!!

The brakes were Weinmann and I'm pretty sure the rims were as well. Not sure about the crank, but it was rubbish and kept coming loose on the non drive end which meant it smacked against the chainstay more than a few times.

If I remember rightly it was £79 or something like that so the choice for me was the Turbo or a Burner - even then I knew to steer clear of the Burner  :LolLolLolLol:

Just for this thread here's a picture of me for you all to have a good laugh at  :2funny:

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #43 on: September 21, 2009, 06:47 PM »
Nice Philip, you aint changed at all mate  :LolLolLolLol:

All these Turbo owners are coming out of the woodwork now aren't they.  :coolsmiley: :coolsmiley:

« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 06:49 PM by Southern Andy »
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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #44 on: September 21, 2009, 08:09 PM »
All these Turbo owners are coming out of the woodwork now aren't they.  :coolsmiley: :coolsmiley:

Any old excuse to put the Turbo piccy up from Crimbo 82 :)

I remember the seat clamp being particularly shite.......I think my parents still have the original padset in the loft (lost treasure ;D).

This post seems to have got a lots of peeps interested do I need to get my old one replicated.

Halfords Turbo....yeahhhh

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #45 on: February 23, 2010, 10:18 PM »
Yep I had one as well, and really really really want one now!

Must be the black & red like this if anyone has one for sale?


oldschool rider

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #46 on: February 24, 2010, 10:23 AM »
All these Turbo owners are coming out of the woodwork now aren't they.  :coolsmiley: :coolsmiley:

Any old excuse to put the Turbo piccy up from Crimbo 82 :)

I remember the seat clamp being particularly shite.......I think my parents still have the original padset in the loft (lost treasure ;D).

This post seems to have got a lots of peeps interested do I need to get my old one replicated.

Halfords Turbo....yeahhhh

I am  so glad someone else parents bought them that stupid foam fronted full face helmet  :LolLolLolLol: ya gotta love Halfords, still it was a better bike than the BURNER IMO.

Steve :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 10:26 AM by oldschool rider »


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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #47 on: May 05, 2010, 10:27 PM »
HI thats a wkd rebuild,glad to see a rare bike being restored,all old school bmx's are a piece of history shouldnt just be the expensive models to deserve restoration, i have a 20" stratton survivor somewhere and ive just picked up a 16" halfords turbo 16 in red and black all original survivor condition,but sadly the parts arnt as good as on your model  ::)

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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #48 on: May 06, 2010, 06:54 PM »
HI thats a wkd rebuild,glad to see a rare bike being restored,all old school bmx's are a piece of history shouldnt just be the expensive models to deserve restoration, i have a 20" stratton survivor somewhere and ive just picked up a 16" halfords turbo 16 in red and black all original survivor condition,but sadly the parts arnt as good as on your model  ::)

Nice mate, lets seem some pics of the 16" Halfords then ????
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Re: Halfords Turbo Buid with pictures added.
« Reply #49 on: May 06, 2010, 08:06 PM »
This post seems to have got a lots of peeps interested do I need to get my old one replicated.

Now in progress :)

Massive thanks to Eamonn for an ebay tip off a few months ago  :coolsmiley: :daumenhoch: :4_17_5:
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