FINALLY! We're all ready to release the beast!
This is your one stop thread for all the info, news and chat about MK09.RADBMX.CO.UK Presents:
A MASSIVE thanks goes out to our event sponsors - these guys help keep MK09 a free event! So please support them.
DC Shoes www.dcshoes.comCool shoes and clothing for BMX
SE Racing www.sebikes.comBikes from one of the originators of BMX
Redline Bikes www.redlinebikes.com35 years and still going strong
RADBMX one stop shop for all BMX brands - direct from RADBMX
Lightning Fast Clothing www.lightningfast.comProof that cool can be ethical
Different Path School BMX parts and great service
JT71's Bike Bits School BMX parts from a lovely chap
SuperBikeDan Powdercoating best damn powdercoater in the world
Esemdesign (Firebird);u=1097Custom padsets, t-shirts and stickers - this guy rules
BIG thanks also to
MILTON KEYNES BMX CLUB for providing such an excellent facility and for their huge support throughout the weekend.
This year promises to be bigger and even better than MK08, with even more radness - including more racing, more bikes, more stalls and more damn fun!
As always, Admin and Mods have been working round the clock to bring you a weekend to remember.
Here are the details as they stand and we'll post updates here as things develop:
FACILITIESCamping is available on site.
Toilets will be provided.
A burger van will be located in the main arena serving snacks for everyone.
It's FREE, but please buy some MK09 merchandise to keep it that way!
RACING SCHEDULEThere will be a full series of Old and 'Run-what-ya-brung' racing organised by the lovely Mattdub & MK BMX Club.
There is an entry fee of £10 to race.
For full details and PRE-REGISTRATION (compulsary!) click here:'topic=90022.0PLEASE NOTE: A TEMPORARY MK BMX CLUB MEMBERSHIP WILL BE NEEDED WHEN RACING ON THE TRACK , THIS IS JUST A SAFETY MEASURE TO COVER ANY LIABILITY (MAINLY AIMED AT GOD FORBID ANY ACCIDENTS BETWEEN A RIDER AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC) . THIS IS PART OF YOUR RACE ENTRY FEE . SHOW & SHINEWe've had a bit of a change this year to the categories and increased the number of awards, so that more bikes can get the accolades they deserve!
We want this years show & shine to bring every single bike out of hiding and be the biggest collection of bikes in the world!!! So, make sure you finish off those builds and get them down to MK09!
There are lots of categories to match your builds, so get them entered.
Categories are:
VINTAGE- Vintage Race (70's)
OLD SCHOOL- Old School Street Bike (1980 - 1986) - Everyday bikes (Burners, Yamaha, Mongoose, Fox, etc, etc)
- Old School Race (1980 - 1986)
- Old School Freestyle (1980 - 1986)
- Old School Cruiser (1978 - 1986)
- Old School Pit Bike & Mini (1979 - 1986)
MID SCHOOL- Mid School Race (1987 - 1997)
- Mid School Freestyle (1987 - 1997)
NEW SCHOOL RETRO- New School Retro (1998 - 2009)
TOP AWARDS- Old School Best in Show
- Mid School Best in Show
- Dave & Bill Best in Show
- RADBMX Team Best in Show
SHOW & SHINE REGISTRATIONEntry for the Show n Shine is £10 regardless of how many bikes you enter.
You can pre-register and pay by providing the following details to Rob (Pickle) via PM:
Paypal Transaction ID: (You will get this when you PayPal £10 to
AND SO MUCH MORE!- Music throuout the weekend courtesy of the silver fox roadshow
- Jump Comp (hosted by Philbert & Lazarou)
- Bunny hop Comp
- Evening Film Festival in the Big Tent on Saturday Evening
and so much more to be released nearer the time! Keep coming back to this thread!
Look forward to seeing you at THE event of the year!!!
The Legal Bit: Please remember that the 'Rad City Stupple' illustration was commission by RADBMX.CO.UK and the copyright is owned by admin - please don't copy it and use it in isolation, only as part of the RADBMX SUMMER FESTIVAL identity.NO TRADE STALLS ALLOWED OUTSIDE OF THE OFFICIAL ARENA AND WITHOUT APPROVAL OF THE ORGANISERS.