bought some years ago (about '99) and found em the other day. look like this. think they were walked around the house once so virtually like brand new- soles perfect.
do you think this are worth owt?
look like this...

or should i hold onto em. trainer prices seem to got thru the roof as the years go by they become rarer....hmmm.
gonna be moving in with my fiancee soon so MIGHT (not deffo yet) have to shift some stuff ( magazines- keeping some but have got 84 to present, hoffman sd-4 frame & forks -basically a big daddy without the gussets, aero reflex chrome frame nos, pink tuffs - old unsealed ones & tuff pads in packet, hutch tyres lavendar, newer sealedbaby blue tuffs & tuff pads, 06 suelo flatland frame 18.8tt , 2 pairs khe stimulatorz pedals (like mks graphites) and other bits and bobs .....