Just put this together today........
Bought this 1984 Cali (frame only) a while back for around 45 quid on ebay with the intentions of throwing some cheap bits on it to make another rider (used the "I'll build a bike for the missus" excuse for buying yet another frame

) but you know what it's like - a few late night bids on ebay and you spend more than you originally wanted to on your "bargain" frame

....ahh well here she is - I'm well happy how it's turned out considering it's a 100% rider

Parts rundown:
F&F - 1984 mongoose californian M4J19069
Bars - mongoose Pro-Class (Cali/Expert rise - not the full size Pro-Class fellas

Stem - SR MS-422
Headset - NOS Nikyo
Pedals - NOS Victor DX
Crank - mongoose
Spider - mongoose/Takagi
Chainring - Takagi
BB - Modus sealed (just cos she's a rider

Chain - Yaban
Wheels - Brand new sealed Tuff II's
Tyres - Comp III copies (can't bring myself to ride on proper 80's rubber

Brakes - NOS DC 901's with Tech 4's
Seat - Kashimax Aero (restored by me

Seatpost - Generic knurled layback
Seatpost clamp - NOS Suntour digital
Grips - mongoose (from Bill at BMX products

Padset - Re-Pop mongoose
Decals - Re-pop mongoose

Took her for the obligatory "thrash around the block" after taking these pics.....
....and had a huge grin on my face