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Would be a close fight, but think of it in a Rocky (Tuffs) v Clubber (Spokes) scenario:11th round - Tuffs ass has been beaten round and round the ring, how Tuffs are still standing no-one knows. This fight should have been stopped long ago as it is one way traffic. Another big right from Spokes, an upper cut also, how is Tuffs still standing. If Tuffs was a horse it would have been shot long ago. The bell goes, Spokes walks confindently back to its corner, tired but knowing he just has to see out the final round. Tuffs trudges back initially to the wrong corner then embarrasingly to the correct one. Tuffs doesn't even know what day it is, everything about him hurts and he is severly buckled.During the break, Spokes manager just tells him to stay away and count down the clock, he will then be the Champ.Tuffs manager however has a cunning plan, he unviels the freezer that he has sneaked into the corner and sticks Tuffs into said freezer for a couple of minutes, takes Tuffs out and sprays liberally with WD40.Last round - Tuffs springs back to life, completely true and looking a lot younger and healthier (the wonders of WD40). He runs over to Spokes, left, right, left, right, upper cut, bodyshot. For 3 mins kicks Spokes ass and knocks Spokes down, who doesn't beat the count. Its all over, once again Tuffs win. Oh the joys of a freezer and some WD40.
Quote from: stidds on February 23, 2006, 01:18 PMWould be a close fight, but think of it in a Rocky (Tuffs) v Clubber (Spokes) scenario:11th round - Tuffs ass has been beaten round and round the ring, how Tuffs are still standing no-one knows. This fight should have been stopped long ago as it is one way traffic. Another big right from Spokes, an upper cut also, how is Tuffs still standing. If Tuffs was a horse it would have been shot long ago. The bell goes, Spokes walks confindently back to its corner, tired but knowing he just has to see out the final round. Tuffs trudges back initially to the wrong corner then embarrasingly to the correct one. Tuffs doesn't even know what day it is, everything about him hurts and he is severly buckled.During the break, Spokes manager just tells him to stay away and count down the clock, he will then be the Champ.Tuffs manager however has a cunning plan, he unviels the freezer that he has sneaked into the corner and sticks Tuffs into said freezer for a couple of minutes, takes Tuffs out and sprays liberally with WD40.Last round - Tuffs springs back to life, completely true and looking a lot younger and healthier (the wonders of WD40). He runs over to Spokes, left, right, left, right, upper cut, bodyshot. For 3 mins kicks Spokes ass and knocks Spokes down, who doesn't beat the count. Its all over, once again Tuffs win. Oh the joys of a freezer and some WD40.Ahhhh, the joys of drinking Vodka in the daytime. Let this be a warning to you all.