I took possesion of Geoff's DK General Lee this evening, it's wicked, it's not getting a resto, seems wrong to strip it down.
I had all intentions of stripping it, getting it re-powdered and stickered, the forks re-chromed, the bars re-chromed etc etc
but now I have it i just think it looks soooooooooooo cool I'm just getting it complete then leaving it.
it looks exactly like this the pic Alex put up:

also has an anodised black Profile ring, so i just need some wheels, some profiles (black chrome anyone?) and some pedals and I'm good to go.
edit: should also say a big thanks to Alex for brokering the deal and introducing me to Geoff, who's another top bloke.
(except for the bit where he said "great, money for old crap" )