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Not much left of this one in Bath:http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hl=en&t=h&msa=0&msid=211226308045159126251.000465f5799bfd152d4c7&ll=51.364158,-2.373535&spn=0.002542,0.005735&z=18
The Slough track was great! The 1986 world champs was held there.I thought it had been dug over, but it looks like it is still there.Also wonder what that little track is next to it - deffo looks like a BMX track - but how many corners?
Even more disappointingly, the Lordshill track again near Southampton is a construction site. The new Oasis Academy Lordshill building is on the exact spot of the old track, which quite clearly looked in pretty good nick on google maps. I think I was at least a year too late.
I ain't got a clue where the Eastleigh track was though.