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Author Topic: Wahhey! Got some land and a digger!  (Read 650 times)

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Wahhey! Got some land and a digger!
« on: April 22, 2009, 02:06 PM »
Some may remember a post a few months back about the local council in Cheltenham building a track. Everyone seemed to think they were going to be building a national standard race track but in fact they were only going to build a small play track - something for the kids to ride round on, however once the contractor built it the council was shocked at how big it had become and while not big enough to race on it certainly will be fun to ride on.


However, loads of problems as people wanted something much bigger and better, complaints were made by a few select individuals and it has been in the local paper. We've always maintained a positive attitude to the councils attempts and worked with them highlighting the issues and the good aspects but at the end of the day it wasn't really usable and was badly built - partly due to it being built on the cheap and the weather conditions when it was built (wettest week of the year at the time).  The major problem was that the parish council doesn't have any more money to redo it or bring someone in to fix it properly.

So, over the past few months I've been working with the council, the local riders and the local cycling club to put forward some plans to sort the surface out so we have a nice smooth surface to ride and to see what can be done to sort out the jumps since they need some attention to get them to a resonable condition.

Last night I had a meeting with the council and the builder and have just had confirmation that they are going to go with my suggestions to widen the track slightly to enable at least 2 riders to ride side by side (sadly not enough material or room for 4 but better than nothing). We are also looking at redesigning the last line and tweaking most of the jumps. Work should start very shortly.

Here is a rough diagram of what is there currently (roughly to scale)

and here is the provisional plans for changes (current layout in dotted lines) Main aim was the widen the middle two lines and to open up the berms as they are a little tight at the moment. Last line is just a mess and needs completely redoing but is scope for artistic licence!!

If you are wondering how big the footprint of the track is 45m by 25m with most lines being about 4m wide (some wider and hopefully by the finish will be 4m as a minimum) - so I think a reasonable size.

Would welcome any input on how we could tweak the layout since its up to me, the contractor and some others to design the changes now.

I'm so excited!!! Can't wait to ride it!!


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Re: Wahhey! Got some land and a digger!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2009, 02:30 PM »
Good work mate. It's people like you that keep the spirit and scene moving forward.  :daumenhoch:
PM'd you some ideas. Hope it helps :)
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 07:02 PM by monkian »


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Re: Wahhey! Got some land and a digger!
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2009, 02:43 PM »
Yeah, PM'd back. Like the ideas. Will see what we can do on that one.


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Re: Wahhey! Got some land and a digger!
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2009, 08:04 PM »
yeah well done,

be interested to see some pics when its done again


Offline Dex Dexter

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Re: Wahhey! Got some land and a digger!
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2009, 09:33 PM »
Props for putting the effort in.

Nice one.



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Re: Wahhey! Got some land and a digger!
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2009, 10:21 PM »
Where in Cheltenham? Might have to come and quality test  ;D


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Re: Wahhey! Got some land and a digger!
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2009, 10:41 PM »
In Bishops Cleeve on the road between Cleeve and Cheltenham over the road from Smiths / GE Aviation.

Just had a really good meeting with the Local riders and got some good ideas on what we want and going to simplify it to make it more fun. It was pointed out that having that many jumps will make it hard to maintain speed etc so looking to amend it slightly more than the council have probably catered for - but if you don't ask you don't get.



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Re: Wahhey! Got some land and a digger!
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2009, 11:37 PM »
Get in there fella, top job. Missus works in Bishops - might have to start meeting her for lunch  ;)


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Re: Wahhey! Got some land and a digger!
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2009, 11:49 PM »


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Re: Wahhey! Got some land and a digger!
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2009, 12:05 PM »
Talk about last minute changes, met with some locals the night before they started work and we've redesigned the track slightly. Mainly because there were too many jumps (which took your speed and also required too much maintenance and shaping) and the last line went up hill slightly. So I up till 1am redoing the plans and got them over to the builder ready to start. Had to get up at 6am to drive to Bradford and back for work so didn't know what was what until I saw it this morning and they are going with the new plans - awesome.

Its all coming together - had a good chat to the builder and things are looking good. Start hill is about 6m wide and tapers from 5.5m just after the start hill to about 4m at the end of the last line. Looking good, but not 100% sure about the shape of some of the jumps.

Does anyone have any pics of Step ups, Tables and Pump bumps from the side I can show the builder to make sure he gets it right?

Its not going to be a massive track but should be something which will get kids invovled and may even kickstart some racing locally if all goes well. You never know where these things might end up.

I'm off up there on Monday with my bike to see how it "rides" - bascially roll my bike over it.

Yesterday was an awesome day - heard that the local ramps have been painted too and they look mental grippy now. I lost a bit of sex wee when I saw them!
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 04:48 PM by Bushwacked »

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