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Author Topic: unknown bikes  (Read 18051 times)

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #125 on: April 16, 2009, 08:55 PM »
crazy stuff :shocked:

i got home from a few months travels to fid this on my bed,

wtf do i do with it?

id fill out the warranty card asap!

oldschool rider

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #126 on: April 16, 2009, 08:56 PM »
always the positive answer  ::)


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #127 on: April 16, 2009, 08:57 PM »
after reading this on bike guide i had to post a link't=177958

humble pie anyone????????????

I dont know anyone involved with this bike company and i dont want to BUT i remember you getting SLAGGED off on this site regarding these 'cracked' framesets and you was getting PELTERS over it!!! Fair play though to you as it shows you wasnt talking out of your ass.  :daumenhoch:

Bet your like the cat that got the cream now. ;D


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #128 on: April 17, 2009, 03:52 PM »
i got home from a few months travels to fid this on my bed,

wtf do i do with it?


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #129 on: April 20, 2009, 01:19 PM »
My friend just posted this pics on his website. I thought they might go well on this thread.

For the record, Ive got nothing against Dibbly (but I also like JT71??). I think Dibbly had a nice job for a while, I hope he enjoyed it had had a good time while it lasted. Ive yet to see any evidence of his "great ideas" and I didnt rate any of the UK bikes products I saw, but its not like any of them were aimed at me, so why should I like them.

Offline harris

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #130 on: April 20, 2009, 01:23 PM »
kin ell   :shocked:


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #131 on: April 20, 2009, 01:32 PM »
Thats the worst i have ever seen. OUCH! :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

So after pages and pages on previous threads regarding unkown's apparent cracked frames epidemic can we now all agree that they do crack. :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #132 on: April 20, 2009, 01:42 PM »
alot of bikes crack nick  ,these crack  bigger brands crack   .these are in the spotlight at the moment so any cracks get web fed all over.
the next big brand will also crack and on and on we go.the bigger more mental the riders get then it will happen more and more...5LB should be the industry weight.

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #133 on: April 20, 2009, 01:47 PM »
alot of bikes crack nick  ,these crack  bigger brands crack   .these are in the spotlight at the moment so any cracks get web fed all over.
the next big brand will also crack and on and on we go.the bigger more mental the riders get then it will happen more and more...5LB should be the industry weight.

You have to laugh, the good old PK Ripper cracked almost everywhere back in the day  ;D.  I think everyone of the fookers we sold at Heff's came back broken  ::).  Cracking/breaking frames is nothing new ::) .

Better to crash and burn than fade away


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #134 on: April 20, 2009, 01:49 PM »
alot of bikes crack nick  ,these crack  bigger brands crack   .these are in the spotlight at the moment so any cracks get web fed all over.
the next big brand will also crack and on and on we go.the bigger more mental the riders get then it will happen more and more...5LB should be the industry weight.

Totally agree Dan. Its just that this particular brand created alot of fuss on this site and alot of peeps on here stuck up for the company and many denied that they were even having problems with framesets. Now looks like a case of egg on the face mate for many. :daumenhoch:

Besides i know fook all about new skool but thought i would add my two pence worth and jump on the bandwagon like many do on here. :)

Pointless comments by me really.


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #135 on: April 20, 2009, 01:50 PM »
alot of bikes crack nick  ,these crack  bigger brands crack   .these are in the spotlight at the moment so any cracks get web fed all over.
the next big brand will also crack and on and on we go.the bigger more mental the riders get then it will happen more and more...5LB should be the industry weight.

You have to laugh, the good old PK Ripper cracked almost everywhere back in the day  ;D.  I think everyone of the fookers we sold at Heff's came back broken  ::).  Cracking/breaking frames is nothing new ::) .

True Mart and they were a best seller. Its amazing as bitd we would have anticipated that frames would be industructable in 2009.


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #136 on: April 20, 2009, 01:53 PM »
You have to laugh, the good old PK Ripper cracked almost everywhere back in the day  ;D.  I think everyone of the fookers we sold at Heff's came back broken  ::).  Cracking/breaking frames is nothing new ::) .

I dont really think that cracking a frame is THAT bad. It just shows that its not the frame for you. You are either too heavy for it or you have used it for the wrong type of riding. If you made a super light weight frame for RACE TRACK ONLY, and someone used it for freestyle then it would probably snap. Doesnt mean its a bad race frame. Maybe UK bikes should be more clear about what their frames are intended for cos Mark Web sure aint no glass smooth BMX racer.

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #137 on: April 20, 2009, 01:56 PM »
i wont disagree  ,they have issues  they need upgrading  
i can see egg all over the place  up the walls and on the floor,i still cant see 95% of the egg chuckers ever getting of their butts
and traveling the world and trying it themselves  ,,for that i give darren a big up,might not have been his money but if the company didnt trust they wouldnt have put the funds up.
effort is something most dont have just keyboard fingers.

if you ride a frame thats not within your riding skills then its you whos to blame for being a fashion victim   
the kids dont know better its a must have item    i hope no kid gets hurt  ,if big 20 set riders buy them then complain then sorry use your noodle.


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #138 on: April 20, 2009, 01:57 PM »
anyone want a brand new boxed "21 revolution frame?

pm me :daumenhoch:

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #139 on: April 20, 2009, 02:19 PM »
what you want for it?


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #140 on: April 20, 2009, 02:20 PM »
anyone want a brand new boxed "21 revolution frame?

Haha, is this really the best thread to be trying to sell one?  :LolLolLolLol:

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #141 on: April 20, 2009, 02:36 PM »
sell it??   :-\   dam i thought he was giving it away!   



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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #142 on: April 20, 2009, 06:11 PM »
alot of bikes crack nick  ,these crack  bigger brands crack   .

The frequency that these cracked is the issue though combined with not fixing the problem and just denying it in order to sell more.

i still cant see 95% of the egg chuckers ever getting of their butts
and traveling the world and trying it themselves

For personal attacks against Dibly that might be valid but you do not need any qualifications to notice that taking that much weight (material) from a frame on the grounds of a top secret heat treatment process and unknowns superior intellect over all previous frame manufactures does not add up. Then once the cracks started turning up, just because someone was too lazy or had no inclination to "get off their butts" does not somehow prevent them from forming a negative opinion and expressing it.

if you ride a frame thats not within your riding skills then its you whos to blame for being a fashion victim   
the kids dont know better its a must have item. 

You cannot solely blame the kids for not knowing better, they just fell for what they were being told hook line and sinker. At the end of the day no amount of "egg throwing" even barely scratched the surface of the shiny image painted by Brian Tunney, Mark Noble, Unknown and all the people standing by these frames and were equally quick to jump up and beat down anyone who dared suggest any criticism.

It was the false hype created by unknown's initial claims that would have "tricked" those fashion victims into wasting their money on the wrong frame.

Offline harris

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #143 on: April 20, 2009, 06:22 PM »
i still think that if the frames didnt crack they would have still got jumped on as a new comer.
the hype is surely the marketing machine pushing the brand ,it was doing what it was ment to do.

given time ,i would think they could have got the frame nailed  but the weight would have had to have rissen
then it would have been inline with most other frame companies and had to fight more for the sale...

todays brands had to start in a hit and miss way i would think, but yes maybe a fare bit more protowork   they all got there in they end   well most did  .

oldschool rider

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #144 on: April 20, 2009, 06:32 PM »
My last 2p's worth on the subject.

Although there have been alot of them broken but how many actually broke through normal riding ?

What I mean is that kids today are fashion victims, when this frame came out everyone wanted one because they were sooooo lite, then a few start to break and if one kid breaks his and says it's shit well all his friends will no longer want theirs either because it's now not cool to have, so what's to say that many of these frame haven't  been damaged with some kid smahing his front end into a wall to break it to get a claim !

I'm not going to go into the politics behind the company and all the he said she said stuff coz I don't know Dibly or anyone else at Unknown bikes but I can't see all of these frame being broken with normal use.



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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #145 on: April 20, 2009, 07:12 PM »
i still think that if the frames didnt crack they would have still got jumped on as a new comer.
the hype is surely the marketing machine pushing the brand ,it was doing what it was ment to do.

I can not see any other cases where something new was so negatively jumped on. Subrosa, Sunday, DeLuxe,  Eclat, none of these have received the same abuse, especially not for being new.

There is quite a large gap between pushing a brand and being intentionally deceptive when it comes to generating marketing hype.

so what's to say that many of these frame haven't  been damaged with some kid smahing his front end into a wall to break it to get a claim !

The fact that is no material in the frame where it is needed and that there never was any special heat treatment process to compensate for the consequences of removing so much metal from a frame.

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #146 on: April 20, 2009, 07:20 PM »
i agree and disagree  but respect your opinion.

oldschool rider

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #147 on: April 20, 2009, 07:22 PM »
i agree and disagree  but respect your opinion.

Who's username or mine ????


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #148 on: April 20, 2009, 07:28 PM »


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #149 on: April 20, 2009, 07:40 PM »
some kid smahing his front end into a wall to break it to get a claim !

I totally see your point but in those pics I posted of the snapped frame, the headtube is raked out forwards. No smashing into a wall would to that.

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