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Author Topic: unknown bikes  (Read 18047 times)

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2009, 11:07 AM »
More music-Slapshot...


Yeahman!!! I LOVE Slapshot!!

No marks at all for anyone who can say what BMX company stole Slapshots logo


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2009, 11:09 AM »

Offline Stodgy

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2009, 11:10 AM »
Isn't it best to wait for Dibly to make an annoucement rather than speculating?

I know exactly what has happened, and it's all for the best, but it's Dibly's place to explain.


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2009, 11:11 AM »
if you know exactly then post it dude


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2009, 11:18 AM »
No marks at all for anyone who can say what BMX company stole Slapshots logo

Me mememememe me Mr. Leech i know sir memememememe i know memememememe me sir sir...

Offline Stodgy

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2009, 11:28 AM »
if you know exactly then post it dude

I don't think it's fair to say, I'll let Dibly know this thread is here...


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2009, 11:44 AM »
I don't think it's fair to claim you own this new bike company and it's a "rider owned" company and deceive everyone.

but then life's not fair is it?

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2009, 12:27 PM »
Okay...I've spoken to Darren (Dibly) and he's said it's fine for me to tell. I've tried to keep it in small factual statements below.

To clarify, UK Bike Co is financed and owned by Avocet (i.e. Coyote, etc). So Darren doesn't own the company.

Darren instead owns the intellectual property - i.e. the rights to the frame designs and to market the heat-treating process in UK and Europe. So basically the rights to the product and ran the company solely.

Sales for UK Bike Co frames have been awesome over the past 6 months, outselling every other brand. So in terms of fulfilling his role, Darren has done a good job.

The rumors are right, Darren is no longer at UK Bike Co. He returned from Taiwan to find that, due to a number of factors, there was no job for him any more. There are numerous factors behind this decision; cost-cutting, lack of understanding of the high-end BMX market, and also the fact that Darren was asked not to go to Taiwan by the management of Avocet. So basically he disobeyed a direct order.

Darren has received a lot of flak about 'cracking frames' and 'he doesn't care' etc, but the reason he went to Taiwan was to take control of these issues and ensure that they don't happen again, despite the risk of losing his job. So, he paid the price for this dedication to ensure the product was spot on going forward.

So, there we have it. Darren is no longer at UK Bike Co, but the latest batch of revised Evolutions, Revolutions, bars and forks are on their way over as I write this. So the company is still continuing and still honoring any warranty issues. The product is still good, so do buy one if you've been after one...but who knows where a low-end company like Avocet will take it? If I was buying a frame at the moment my money would go on a more established brand until the water settles.

Any questions I'll do my best to answer, but due to legal reasons it's difficult for Darren to do so.

« Last Edit: April 09, 2009, 03:29 PM by Stodgy »


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2009, 12:49 PM »
Sickning  :-\


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #34 on: April 08, 2009, 01:09 PM »
I know, how'd he get away with it for so long? he had me convinced too.

Sean 2000

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2009, 01:26 PM »
I honestly cant see UKB lasting much longer, they will shut it down rather than honour all the warranty issues.
Especially now the truth is out about the "rider owned" company not being rider owned.

As for the good sales, thats all down to the fashion victim kids, that will change as soon as the kids realise they are riding a frame made by a second rate MTB manufacturer, and they start selling them in Toys 'R' Us.  :2funny:

Call me old fashioned, but i prefer the walls of my tubing to be thicker than 1.5mm, even if it makes it a pound heavier!

I will probably get scorched for this but, i really dont think that BMX needs fly by night companys like does more damage than good to our sport.
The fookers were just trying to make a fast buck at the our expense, with no regard for how safe there products are. Somebody could get seriously hurt if a frame fork or bar decided to let go on them at the wrong time.


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #36 on: April 08, 2009, 01:29 PM »
I honestly cant see UKB lasting much longer, they will shut it down rather than honour all the warranty issues.
Especially now the truth is out about the "rider owned" company not being rider owned.

As for the good sales, thats all down to the fashion victim kids, that will change as soon as the kids realise they are riding a frame made by a second rate MTB manufacturer, and they start selling them in Toys 'R' Us.  :2funny:

Call me old fashioned, but i prefer the walls of my tubing to be thicker than 1.5mm, even if it makes it a pound heavier!

I will probably get scorched for this but, i really dont think that BMX needs fly by night companys like does more damage than good to our sport.
The fookers were just trying to make a fast buck at the our expense, with no regard for how safe there products are. Somebody could get seriously hurt if a frame fork or bar decided to let go on them at the wrong time.

I can't see anyone flaming you for talking sense.  :daumenhoch:

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #37 on: April 08, 2009, 02:04 PM »
i find it sad........sad as Dibly is a sound guy and sad that poeple revell in other peoples sadness.

real shame   :-[


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #38 on: April 08, 2009, 02:19 PM »
i find it sad........sad as Dibly is a sound guy and sad that poeple revell in other peoples sadness.

real shame   :-[

Rob I like you, and you truely are a sound guy, as are most of the other Radster I've met, but really, I have to disagree.

He lied and deceived the people who listened to the words he said and read the words he wrote and worst of allt hose who shelled out their hard earned cash for his products. simple. I'm not revelling in his sadness but when I dared to question what he was doing I got flamed, well some of the things I suggested turned out to be spot on. Why did he did he lie? To make money.

There seems to be some sort of strange loyalty to the bloke on here, I can't understand why, if he was a politician and had been found out for deceiving the public you'd all want a lynching.

Yes we should support innovation, the small bloke doing his thing, but that's not what this was, this was a big company pretending to be the small man with an innovation.

Sound? is telling everyone you have started a new rider owned company, owned by you then it turning out to be lies the action of a sound man?

Is it sound to knowingly go ahead with production of a substandard item when the test riders have told you it's not right?

Is it sound to keep selling them when they are failing all over the place and just keep saying "there's only been three returned"

and is it wrong for people to question these actions?

and if I'm wrong or a bad person for saying what I know loads of people are thinking, then I'll accept that.


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #39 on: April 08, 2009, 02:24 PM »
I just hope my sons 09 frame forks and bars aint on them ships that the Somalli's have hijacked  ::)

Offline pickle

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #40 on: April 08, 2009, 02:27 PM »
i find it sad........sad as Dibly is a sound guy and sad that poeple revell in other peoples sadness.

real shame   :-[

Rob I like you, and you truely are a sound guy, as are most of the other Radster I've met, but really, I have to disagree.

He lied and deceived the people who listened to the words he said and read the words he wrote and worst of allt hose who shelled out their hard earned cash for his products. simple. I'm not revelling in his sadness but when I dared to question what he was doing I got flamed, well some of the things I suggested turned out to be spot on. Why did he did he lie? To make money.

There seems to be some sort of strange loyalty to the bloke on here, I can't understand why, if he was a politician and had been found out for deceiving the public you'd all want a lynching.

Yes we should support innovation, the small bloke doing his thing, but that's not what this was, this was a big company pretending to be the small man with an innovation.

Sound? is telling everyone you have started a new rider owned company, owned by you then it turning out to be lies the action of a sound man?

Is it sound to knowingly go ahead with production of a substandard item when the test riders have told you it's not right?

Is it sound to keep selling them when they are failing all over the place and just keep saying "there's only been three returned"

and is it wrong for people to question these actions?

and if I'm wrong or a bad person for saying what I know loads of people are thinking, then I'll accept that.

Joe........i like you too and you truely are a sound i'm not going to say anymore on this subject.



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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #41 on: April 08, 2009, 02:56 PM »
Even before the company rolled he said he wasn't financing it!!

Just running it using his own designs!!

It always had Avocet behind it.  They even have the same address for both companies!!  ???

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #42 on: April 08, 2009, 03:28 PM »
i find it sad........sad as Dibly is a sound guy and sad that poeple revell in other peoples sadness.

real shame   :-[

ditto, but you always get the rightfookinnobjockeymuggy c**ttwatbastardarseholelickinggentlemans relishslurpers lappin it up


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #43 on: April 08, 2009, 04:25 PM »
yeah man x3

there's always someone wallowing in the sadness of a situation they caused themselves and wanting
everyone else to feel sorry for them now the truth is out.

Sean 2000

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #44 on: April 08, 2009, 05:06 PM »
I dont see anybody revelling, only people stating their opinions. (and i really hope that wasn't aimed at me).

This is the first i have heard of Avocet being involved in this "venture". And lets be honest, if people had known who was behind it would they have bought the stuff in the first place. You wouldnt see a pro MTB'er riding an Avocet bike in competion, so why do they think they can mug off the BMX community. Fuk Em!

I love BMX, and i dont like people "raping" it like this for a fast buck. And before the "friends of Dibly" crew start on me, dont know him and never met him so i will not pass judgment on him as that would be unfair.
As for Avocet, they should shut it down and go back to making "toys 'R' Us" shelf what you know best you clowns.

Bru, isnt this site supposed to be about BMX. And this subject is a very real issue within the current BMX community yes?


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #45 on: April 08, 2009, 05:11 PM »
Too many people, too much of the time are TOO quick to jump on the band wagon here.. this thread will go nuts with pages of crap that will just cause issues & decent threads struggle to get to one page!  it's fooking wrong  :tickedoff:

I'm done with this thread and if I was a mod it would be locked right now so it don't escalate into more shit that the site can do without.

Bru  >:(
ahh, but i agree with freedom of speech, doesnt everyone?

Offline Stodgy

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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #46 on: April 08, 2009, 05:12 PM »

As for Avocet, they should shut it down and go back to making "toys 'R' Us" shelf what you know best you clowns.

Amen to that brother.


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #47 on: April 08, 2009, 05:14 PM »
I dont see anybody revelling, only people stating their opinions. (and i really hope that wasn't aimed at me).

This is the first i have heard of Avocet being involved in this "venture". And lets be honest, if people had known who was behind it would they have bought the stuff in the first place. You wouldnt see a pro MTB'er riding an Avocet bike in competion, so why do they think they can mug off the BMX community. Fuk Em!

I love BMX, and i dont like people "raping" it like this for a fast buck. And before the "friends of Dibly" crew start on me, dont know him and never met him so i will not pass judgment on him as that would be unfair.
As for Avocet, they should shut it down and go back to making "toys 'R' Us" shelf what you know best you clowns.

Bru, isnt this site supposed to be about BMX. And this subject is a very real issue within the current BMX community yes?


Even though Darren is a top Bloke, i cant argue with the above post. Still a shocker and thoughts are with you Dibly as this cant have been what you have been working 16+ hours a day for   :-\


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #48 on: April 08, 2009, 05:18 PM »
Too many people, too much of the time are TOO quick to jump on the band wagon here.. this thread will go nuts with pages of crap that will just cause issues & decent threads struggle to get to one page!  it's fooking wrong  :tickedoff:

I'm done with this thread and if I was a mod it would be locked right now so it don't escalate into more shit that the site can do without.

Bru  >:(
ahh, but i agree with freedom of speech, doesnt everyone?

we all agree with freedom of speech until some Fanatical Cleric starts preaching hate towards the West. see we only believe a certain level of freedom is acceptable.


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Re: unknown bikes
« Reply #49 on: April 08, 2009, 05:41 PM »
The rumour of these frames breaking has to damage the reputation of the company/s.I have seen 5 broken and all that is said by riders at creation is that they are no good.If the frames are modified and are ok, is the damage already done?

Anyway, never mind all that rubbish. Here is the latest - The latest failure of lightweight component is........ KHE anchor bars. Met a lad today who is sending his back 'cause they broke. A soon as I sat on a bike with them on and they flexed I knew it. And, they are not that light...

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