Here’s something I found in my shed this weekend. It’s a pair of pegs I made, some time in the early 90s.
At the time, pegs were either very heavy steel (for grinding) or light, knurled ally (for flatland). I wanted to make a peg that was lighter but would still grind as fast as steel. I attached a strip of steel along the under side of the peg, and left straps of steel across the top to hold in it place. This was the first steel/ally peg, and was also the first peg that was designed to be used one way up, cos the steel was only one side. It also had a block of ally that sat inside the dropout slot, behind the wheel. This stopped the peg from rotating, but also stopped the dropout from closing up (back then, dropouts were thick, but still pretty weak and after a few grinds they closed up. It was always a nightmare to get your wheel out!). Finally, I put a forward facing chain adjuster on it. The head of the bolt hit against the end of the chain stay tube and stopped the wheel from moving forward. It was great because once adjusted to the right length, you never had to move it. When you wanted to take the wheel out you just losened the wheel nut a few turns till the peg/adjuster bolt moved away from the chain stay tube. It was perfect!
I tried to sell them to a well known BMX Distributor. They took one look at them, threw them back at me and said “I don’t want to lose weight THAT badly!”. I guess Tech pegs only became cool when T1 did the same ally/steel idea a few years later.
And the matching, smaller dia front peg