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Author Topic: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?  (Read 4841 times)

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lip nobody

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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #50 on: March 09, 2009, 11:05 PM »
I suggest no one sends any thing to raleigh burner kid or paypal account in the name of Donald Jenkins

looks like he's stung two burnerworld users for over £600 and at least one of them has sent the stuff.

Worldwide I'd refund him and have nothing esle to do with him mate and put your stuff back up for sale.

i said that on bw and got shot down for publicy naming and shaming and "scaring rbk away and/or forcing him to hide*  :idiot2: :tickedoff:

Offline Brandy Truffle

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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #51 on: March 10, 2009, 12:20 AM »
As far as I'm concerned Donald (the old man,is it?) is just as responsible for this as the dumb RB kid.

Who in their right mind gives anyone access to their Paypal?? with an attached bank account/debit card you are effectively giving someone a license to take the p1ss and drain your current account in minutes...

Daddy Donald must have given RB Kid his details and as such should sort this crap out. If it was me losing £££ I'd park on his front lawn and wouldnt shift until either the police arrived or i got my money back. The neighbours would love it.

Stupid family.


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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #52 on: March 10, 2009, 11:16 AM »
dave beard you know that i don't think this was your mess to clean up  ;)  now that a few days have gone by, i can understand fully why some posts were moved about, i was rightly angry with the situation but cos no contact from rbk i might have had a go at those i thought were ' looking after'  rbk.   my issue is with big don and his errant boy, no one else.  :daumenhoch:


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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #53 on: March 10, 2009, 02:41 PM »
Looks like there has been problems with padsets too from firebird

This seems like he has got in some mess

Offline Zippy

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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #54 on: March 10, 2009, 03:09 PM »
All I can say is that is being dealt with properly on Burnerworld and please just bare with us. We'll update the forum as and when we can. but for obvious reasons we can't say anything as of yet.


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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #55 on: March 10, 2009, 03:55 PM »
just had the same thing with this guy, 3 pad sets, lucky i didn't send them out

buyers name - mark jenkins

email -

paypal account -

address - [removed by admin]

refunded the payment today, so no real loss.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2009, 09:48 AM by Stodgy »

big burner

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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #56 on: March 11, 2009, 12:37 AM »
 ;DThats what i call name and shame there steve

Offline Brandy Truffle

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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #57 on: March 11, 2009, 07:34 AM »
just had the same thing with this guy, 3 pad sets, lucky i didn't send them out
buyers name - mark jenkins
email -
paypal account -
address -
refunded the payment today, so no real loss.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2009, 01:34 PM by Stodgy »


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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #58 on: March 11, 2009, 05:56 PM »
i went and had strong words with rbk yesterday,  :tickedoff:  :Aresehole: he put it all on his dads toes and gave assurances all a big mistake. his parents left him and went off on hols when his spending was exposed. going by what is written re padsets it looks like he's still at it..  i drove 11 hours 550 miles to get my stuff and he did'nt know what to do with himself  ;D   i looked about for lips cali but it was'nt there.  he's going nowhere and is a bit concerned about others going to his door. he says his dad is gonna sort it all out on his return .   hard to beleive considering it was his dad who cancelled all paymants KNOWING FINE WELL THE GOODS WERE DELIVERED TO HIS HOUSE.  bad as each other imo


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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #59 on: March 13, 2009, 10:37 AM »
i drove 11 hours 550 miles to get my stuff and he did'nt know what to do with himself  ;D 

Hahahaha that is legendary! Well done!

What did he buy off you in the first place?

The amount of times iv wanted to do that when people rip you off on paypal! How old is he anyway?


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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #60 on: March 14, 2009, 12:07 AM »
 :LolLolLolLol: bet he had brown pant moment when he opened the door  :2funny:

lip nobody

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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #61 on: March 14, 2009, 03:20 PM »
i went and had strong words with rbk yesterday,  :tickedoff:  :Aresehole: he put it all on his dads toes and gave assurances all a big mistake. his parents left him and went off on hols when his spending was exposed. going by what is written re padsets it looks like he's still at it..  i drove 11 hours 550 miles to get my stuff and he did'nt know what to do with himself  ;D   i looked about for lips cali but it was'nt there.  he's going nowhere and is a bit concerned about others going to his door. he says his dad is gonna sort it all out on his return .   hard to beleive considering it was his dad who cancelled all paymants KNOWING FINE WELL THE GOODS WERE DELIVERED TO HIS HOUSE.  bad as each other imo

so it was his dad then the w@ankstain he'll be having to empty his now full inbox sent loads of emails to him the past few days a few blank ones a few ones saying well?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? and a few ones saying the more you choose to ignore my emails the more ill email ya


and by a few i mean about 30 each lol so about 100 emails all from moi lol hes gonna go mental lol


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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #62 on: March 14, 2009, 08:50 PM »
he got a mk1 tange cromo burner off me, and loads mongoose bits for the frame he tried to blag off lip. my drive was well worth it cos got my bits and bobs back, then super paypal refunded me  :2funny:  he agreed i should take my goods back as payment towards the time and expense of having to go and see him.  told him he had to sort the problems out cos i was gonna be first of many to knock on daddies door. he did'nt sort it though cos his dad was'nt back from hols till today.  looking forward to my first proper racing since i was 13 tomorrow. going to hartlepool to have fun with the lovely machine generously donated to me by the errant conman   :daumenhoch:   thanks to all of you who have offered to help me out whilst my pp was wrecked, i won't forget it. thanks to those who waited patiently to be paid for stuff i'd bought but could'nt pay for.  ;)


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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #63 on: March 14, 2009, 09:19 PM »
he got a mk1 tange cromo burner off me, and loads mongoose bits for the frame he tried to blag off lip. my drive was well worth it cos got my bits and bobs back, then super paypal refunded me  :2funny:  he agreed i should take my goods back as payment towards the time and expense of having to go and see him.  told him he had to sort the problems out cos i was gonna be first of many to knock on daddies door. he did'nt sort it though cos his dad was'nt back from hols till today.  looking forward to my first proper racing since i was 13 tomorrow. going to hartlepool to have fun with the lovely machine generously donated to me by the errant conman   :daumenhoch:   thanks to all of you who have offered to help me out whilst my pp was wrecked, i won't forget it. thanks to those who waited patiently to be paid for stuff i'd bought but could'nt pay for.  ;)
love owt like this me


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Re: Can anyone contact Raleigh Burner Kid ?
« Reply #64 on: March 14, 2009, 10:43 PM »
he got a mk1 tange cromo burner off me, and loads mongoose bits for the frame he tried to blag off lip. my drive was well worth it cos got my bits and bobs back, then super paypal refunded me  :2funny:  he agreed i should take my goods back as payment towards the time and expense of having to go and see him.  told him he had to sort the problems out cos i was gonna be first of many to knock on daddies door. he did'nt sort it though cos his dad was'nt back from hols till today.  looking forward to my first proper racing since i was 13 tomorrow. going to hartlepool to have fun with the lovely machine generously donated to me by the errant conman   :daumenhoch:   thanks to all of you who have offered to help me out whilst my pp was wrecked, i won't forget it. thanks to those who waited patiently to be paid for stuff i'd bought but could'nt pay for.  ;)
love owt like this me

Love owt like this me

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