Q: Dudu , thats the sickest description ive read to date . Had me and my family in stitches. If you reconsider postage for this bike im happy to pay you for your time involved as i collect stingray bikes . Been after a chrome boomerang for a while.Let me know if your interested as i would love to max out the skid record. Cheers man . 30-Jan-09
A: Hello Radster. I suppose I could skid down to the postie and see what it would cost to post. I don't know where you live, but I might just try guessing. is it 64 McDonald Drive in Brisbane?
Q: dude, does this bike come with contraception because i all ready have 3 kids.this is the best description i have ever read i think you should go into business writing for ebay!!thanks 4 the entertainment,i'm still pissing my self 30-Jan-09
A: Thanks Sick Guy. It doesn't come with contraception, but I will include a photo of me doing a stunt if you like. It's pretty blurry, but it's still a wicked rad stunt. Let me know.
Q: How long are the skids that this bike can do? 29-Jan-09
A: Dear Mad Dog. The skids odometer shows 128,992 metres, but i think it might have gone round the clock. I once did a skid that went for two weeks.
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just the ticket after a hard nights graft laughed myself silly