take time and care with putting in the BB and HS cups, if it's painted especially as this is where the tears will come if you chip it, and also with fitting the headset race to forks.
if both frame and forks are painted where these items go then sand them until you get a snug but easyish fit. Rubber mallet, lots of nice soft stuff, to protect the paint.
make sure you get the bearings in the right way around
once those items are done the rest is a piece of p1ss. Have fun
the left hand pedal has a left hand thread, ie it tightens anti clockwise, but i'm sure you know that.

then when it's all mechanically done you'll need to fit the decals, clean it, get any/all dust off. let it dry properly.
wash your hands so they are the cleanest they have ever been and apply carefully. Don't do that floating em on with soapy water thing, i found that the decals don't stick very well that way, but that's just my experience.
take photos
upload photos to photobucket
put phoots on RAD
see you in about 5 hours then.