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RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Technical & Reference Section  |  Tech and Restoration  |  My bikes!! Know a bit about them but any more info would be apprecited! :)

Author Topic: My bikes!! Know a bit about them but any more info would be apprecited! :)  (Read 1072 times)

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Right ladies and gentlemen, alas!!! Ive finally got a few spare minutes to put some pics up!! :)
Right first off is my meteor-lite!! Got it complete but stripping it down now ready for blasting and spraying, going in this week some time hopefully!!


All bits that come with it -

But am putting these OGK's on when back from powdercoating -

Then here is the burner which i beleive is a MK1 Ultra Burner?

Suntour stamped headset

Un original handlebars id say


Suntour hubs,

The frame is a tad ratty but solid as a rock!! :) Rides fecking amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The here is my saxon raider, dont know toffee about this bike as i cant find any info on it but its wicked to ride and have been told the forks are maybe a copy of a decent set therefor making them worth a few bob maybe? And the fact thats is never been riden apparnelty!! My mate used the rear tyre to run on a nother tredda a while back but ever since has been sat!! Still got plastic protectors on the spindle nuts!!

Headset say's Triko or friko???

Cant find any other markings or names on it anywhere

And lastly is what i think is a kelkhoff??? Again i know nothing about this either!! Bit of a mess but good for a jump bike not to worry about ay!
The bike

The reason i think its a kelkhoff is

The brakes have stamped - ALTENBURGER BRILLIANT!!

Any info or input or anything infact would be much appreciat7ed! ;) if people could put up ideas of prices of wrthness also, would be a help as im wanting to flog a few of them, just not sure which ones yet???


I will put a post up in the readers rides thread as i dont want to be hi-jackign the welcome bit! :)


  • Guest
 :) Don`t think they`re worth  much TBH,though the Ultra Burner has some good parts & a few people may be interested in the Meteorlite.Pretty sure the Saxon was mass produced,think loads of companies used the same frame? Personally I`d get rid of the Kalkhoff and the Saxon and consider restoring the other 2.All down to personal opinion really,if you enjoy them then keep them all.


  • Guest
ive sent you a pm regarding the metorlite

i had one as a kid i bought it from a big kid when i was about was white with all green parts and i loved it to bits :smitten: :smitten:

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i think the 3rd picture of the black bars is actually a raleigh burner handlebar pos from a standard mk1 burner,


  • Guest
correct my freind, they are mk1 bars so they will be going on the ultra burner! The meteorlite and burner i love but saxon owes me just as much as the burner does ironically so need to make sort of money back from it! Im sure it would sell somewhere, surely?

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