Cheers Matt, when it works correctly (which isn't 100% of the time TBH) it's a wicked system. I did about 6 gates with it at MK and on that semi flat start hill it was a real advantage but as I said I've never found it to be 100% and if it jams it stays on the lower ratio. Also due to it having very tight tolerances I don't think it would work well in mud (maybe OK in sunny So.Cal but in the UK a non starter

). It also has quite a few nylon parts in it which I can't see been good for durability. Overall glad I got one and worked out how to get it going (I have a MK1 version with fixed shifting barrel the MK2 version with rotating barrel would be a hell of a lot easier to set up. Don't pay the earth for one they are more common than you think as they were expensive BITD and a lot were probably unsold.
Ben, if you and George are passing Newcastle upon Tyne give me a shout and you can have a go on it. Haven't seen George since the early 90's (tell him it's Chris Radford's Geordie mate Andy, probably won't remember. Haven't seen Chris since I moved from Derby in 97 either come to think of it)