You should thank yourself lucky you still live in Hartlepool! I had to watch this getting built then drive back to Manchester without even riding it!
I think its safe to say we have one brand new straight and one brand new burm. Well done to all who braved another frozen day in Hartlepool to hear Mr Butterfield bark orders from a dumper truck! As with the previous pics, its a bit tricky to gauge exactly what has been done. Basically today we finished the rythm off with a double then sorted levels out and made a new burm. We also changed the first double on the 5th straight into a step-up tripple, should be a good little learner jump. Next on the cards is the issue of spectating, we hope to open up a large area at the bottom of the track by changing the fence arrangement and moving the entry gate. All being well we should be in a position to host some decent events next season! I had to bail before the guys finished (much to the annoyance of a cetain gentleman) so there isn't any pics of the finished articles, will get some soon!
NEBMX, Bringing the noise in 2009!
Ste looking over the new step up tripple

Looking up over the finished rythm, in shot is the end double and table rollers feature

Two Panorama of the rythm section

Back of the roller onto the table

In this shot, Jack pulls the whacker over the end double. Basically it was built so that (if you want) you can jump the tabletop (to the left of the pic) and roller then hit the double what jack is stood on

More pics of the new step up tripple

Looking over the end double, this go slightly lengthened so that folk who double up the table and roller don't over shoot it

Ste stood on top of the new tripple, where he is stood was the original ground level

If you look from the side it makes a bit more sense!