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The MONSTER Drinks Truck is coming along again... I promise to get a better photo of the 'infamous' young lady handing out the beverages...
I'll bring her some tinsel and my Novelty reindeer thong!!
im mentally disabled.
Guys has anyone got a 4 prong freewheel removal tool for a mini freewheel (13T) that they can bring along. I have a pants 2 prong one and it isn't working.. Apologies if I don't end up making it, we have illness in abundance in my house.
im ready but not very well been suffering this week with the nedoscopy and having cold ifeel really shitty and have problem with asthma too because of the cold i have but ill be there and do me best revence may have to be 18th january for me
Just finished emptying the car and cleaning up the kids.A great day for sure.When will the weather change though? - I dove home to dry roads in the North West so it looks like rubbish weather is following me around!My opinion on the track - too big. It's missing sections that are fun for everyone. There should be somewhere on every track where everyone can grab a bit of air and feel good about themselves. This was just too much of a slog.Loved the Monster Trucks. Drank too much of it on the way home - so I'm bouncing about now. I can't wait for Crewe so see you all there.Old School Rocks!Thanks everyone. P.s. - I tried for the Novice section every time - just couldn't get there! P.p.s - I will try and ride as much as possible over the next few weeks so I'll post in gatherings where I am going.
Come on then... giz a clue?...
Good day's racing. I think I might have ME though Good win by Cotty today, well done fella